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Bye bye Burma

Monday, December 28th, 2009

myanmar-burma-447.jpgWhere men wear longi (skirts) & there are red banana’s

My 21 days in this fascinating country have flown by & were the minimum to get a taste of what Myanmar has to offer the visitor & anyone interested in trekking will need the full 28 days allowed.

From hot, crowded, deteriorating Yangon to Mandalay with it’s hilltop pagoda & it’s moat surrounded Summer Palace to the hill towns of Hsipaw & Pyin U Lwin, with it,s impressive botanical gardens, connected by a fabulous train ride then the amazing steamer trip down the Ayeyarwady River from Mandalay, home of the Moustache Bros to the tourist trap town of Bagan which you will leave never wanting to see another pagoda or Buddha statue again to Inle Lake with it’s floating gardens & market it’s a country that must be on any adventurers bucket list. that’s just the get acquainted tourist stuff, sitting on the patio of the Motherland Inn talking to repeat visitors you get a glimpse of the wonders to be found off the beaten track to explore on the next visit!

Now it’s not all good the Yangon taxi drivers have to be the the biggest lying, scamming bunch of A$$holes on the planet but no problems with taxi’s anywhere else in the country.

Bus schedule didn’t work out for getting to Chaungtha Beach with enough time to make the trip worthwhile so I ended paying nearly the price of the taxi for a ride back to Motherland where I am chilling for the weekend picking other travelers brains for the next part of my adventure in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam.


Friday, December 25th, 2009

Have updates written on windows writer but some where in Myanmar at an internet cafe they changed something on my computer so I can no longer publish my updates to my blog or access explorer so until I figure that out the updates are hidden in my laptop.

Am now back in Bangkok staying at a guest house just off Khoasan Road.

Don’t you just hate when that happens!!

Saturday, December 5th, 2009
Well managed to do it again, clicked on the wrong thingy & presto my 1st post on Myanmar vanished to the nether regions of cyber space!! Oh well s**t happens so here we go again. The disappeared post was basically about ... [Continue reading this entry]

Myanmar (Burma) cont’d

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
myanmar-burma-034.jpgYangon is a big city of around 5 million so it's not particularly to my liking as with all cities (Toronto included) you have to constantly be on the watch for rip-off artists. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Thailand for a bit

Saturday, November 28th, 2009
Left Boracay on Cebu Pacific, just under $170 CAD for the 1 hr flight from Kalebo to Manila + the 3 hr flight on to Bangkok so with the $10 charge for 1 kilo overweight luggage + the $17 airport ... [Continue reading this entry]

Boracay Island Philippines

Thursday, November 19th, 2009
manila-boracay-island-024.jpgSo everyone is looking for an update?? Well after 2 weeks here trying to get my head around what I had experienced in the past 3 months I have managed to relax enough to get 3 ... [Continue reading this entry]

It was bound to happen!

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Well I guess I am now really an ex-pat though I still have a Canadian address.

The reason being that in my travels I have experienced enough to see through the propaganda fed us in the North American media ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hmmmm!!! Whoa!! Down Boy!

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Traveling 1/2 way around the world then flying most of the way across Asia & overlanding it back in 2+ months has taken it’s toll as I have been at a resort on the beach on Boracay Island now for ... [Continue reading this entry]

Not so nice China

Friday, November 6th, 2009

The first thing I noticed about China (I do NOT recognize China’s claim to Tibet) was upon awakening in the morning on the train from Lhasa to drab, dreary, mud colored shacks of the Chinese rural population. This was in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Tibet an occupied land

Friday, November 6th, 2009

Firstly I want to bring my readers up to date on the status of my mother, my children took charge & rescued her from incarceration in the bowels of Brockville General Hospital where she was serving time in purgatory due ... [Continue reading this entry]