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Laos cont’d + musings on this & that

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

Decided to spend another day with the ladies & share the cost of a rented van for the 6 hr trip to Vang Vieng which Lonely Planet describes “As if a section of Bangkok’s Khao San Rd has been transplanted—“. Well LP tends to exaggerate a bit there are a couple of blocks on the main drag with a lot of guest houses & bars where you see some staggering down the street with quarts of beer in hand being kind of load but get down by the river it’s quiet & a great place to relax.

Spent the afternoon chilling then took a walk along the Nam Sung River which is nice with the mountains just a half dozen kms away forming a backdrop & there was also a partial eclipse of the sun which lent to the atmosphere. Later in the evening we went out for Thai food which they do like us with Chinese, order a bunch of everything & everybody shares. Even though only Jin was fluent in English & a couple girls didn’t understand much everyone had a good time the last couple days. When they left to go back to Bangkok today, work calls, Jin had to go in Sunday evening & the rest Monday, I missed their company & laughter as their enthusiasm & joy of life was not hard to take. A least I have fond memories & the email address of a new friend in Bangkok!

This whole experience just confirmed what I have thought all along that there are different kinds of people in this world, there are grumps, selfish, out-going, introverted (me) & really nice caring folks. It doesn’t matter a whit the skin color, nationality, religion each type is found everywhere but in general travelers fall into the nice caring group & are a pleasure to be around. Even the Bangkok ladies do not really hang out that much at home but enjoy traveling together & making new friends doing so, small world!! Just never know who you will meet or where & what you may have in common, that’s one of the great things about traveling!

In conversation with Jin I found out that she had spent a year studying at McGill University in Montreal, the parent of MacDonald College in Ste Anne De Bellevue where I spent a couple years studying (partying), it really is a small world!

Another thing that is becoming apparent is that the fewer travelers that go to a certain place, the more aware they are & out to learn about people rather than just going for a good time or because it’s the in thing to do.

Enough philosophizing back to traveling it’s off to Pakse then Si Phan Don (Four Thousand Islands) providing I can get a bus ticket, if not another night here then go Monday. 

The Last Straw!!!

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Warning this is an anti Canada/Ontario Rant so those who might be offended please read NO further!!!

Finally received the Small Claims Court judgment in my case with the school board.


Which means there is absolutely NO justice for the common man in the Canadian/Ontario courts! Especially when the JP hearing the case was still a practicing lawyer in Hick town Lindsay. I consider that a conflict of interest as she can’t possibly be impartial when hearing a case where Simple Serpents are involved!!

This supposed democracy that we live in where we get to “vote” for hand picked representatives & only around 30% of the population takes part in the obscenely expensive farce, is in actuality a dictatorship run by tax-payer paid “Simple Serpents”

whose sole purpose in life is to do as little productive work as possible but what they do do is aimed at screwing the little guy (they can’t touch the elite who pay no tax anyway so they feed their ego on us)!

If I am going to live in a dictatorship I will move to a country that’s up front about it not hiding is a smoke screen of lies!!

So when I return to Crapanada in July it will be solely to wrap up affairs prior to moving to a place where the little guy can still “donate” his way to what he wants (the way it used to be here (political donations)).

Upon leaving I will give the one finger salute to the country the way Trudeau gave it to all Canadians when he started the ruination of a once great country!!

Laos better than T’land me thinks

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Must say the border crossing into Laos rates right up there with the most disorganized cluster flucks there is but eventually get through it after paying US$. No clue why Canadians have the privilege of paying the highest visa fees ... [Continue reading this entry]

Northern Thailand

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

The 12 hr train ride from Bangkok in 2nd class, the only option on the daytime railcar service from Bangkok to Chain-Mai comes with free coffee/tea mid morning & afternoon along with a noon time lunch served by the not ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hey it Works!!!

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Traditional Chinese Medicine that is.

Regular followers of this blog might remember an entry from Nov 6, 09 titled not so nice China where I mentioned going to a clinic in Beijing that specialized in treating Patients in traditional ... [Continue reading this entry]

Redneck Bar

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Bangkok is great but after a couple weeks even using 3 different hotels/guest houses in 3 different areas of the city it starts getting long in the tooth. Now for some strange reason I gained a day (in my mind ... [Continue reading this entry]

Boycott US airlines!!

Friday, January 1st, 2010
Enough already!! The horror stories I have heard about the goings on at Pearson caused by the moronic knee jerk reactions from retards at Homeland Security targeting ordinary passengers because the CIA  failed to do it’s job is the last ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bangkok a must visit!

Monday, December 28th, 2009
Well this big city hater has had to add Bangkok to the “like” list along with Panama City & Copenhagen making it one city per continent visited. Guess could add Montreal to the mix for NA. Still a lot of ... [Continue reading this entry]

Trains & other things

Monday, December 28th, 2009
myanmar-burma-302.jpgOK back in business. Not sure what the guy at the internet café in Mandalay did but had to get windows reinstalled to get things back to normal & the good news is only cost ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bagan tourist trap?

Monday, December 28th, 2009
myanmar-burma-508.jpgSi. Oui, Yes but in the Burmese way, tamer than most. Food & internet are high compared to elsewhere in the country but not extortionate & once you get past the feeding frenzy at the ... [Continue reading this entry]