BootsnAll Travel Network

Photos: Pipefest

August 26th, 2005

10,000 bagpipers all in one place – I know you want to see pictures. So, let me oblige.

The Bagpipin’ Picnic. From the left, that’s Verity (Kath and Greg’s friend), Bec, Sarah, Trickey, Greg, and Dave. Kath is taking the photo. Behind us is Arthur’s Seat, and a heap of people lining the road that the bagpipers were marching along.view image

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Edinburgh: Pipefest

August 26th, 2005

Our last weekend in Edinburgh, the middle of the Festival; comedians, music, theatre, we were spoiled for choice of how to celebrate our last few nights. And whilst we were going to see a funny-man on Saturday night, what we were most looking forward to for the weekend was bagpipes.

Yeah, that’s right. Bagpipes. And shitloads of ‘em.

Sunday August 21st was Pipefest in Edinburgh. Holyrood Park at the base of Arthur’s Seat, the 300 foot high cliff just minutes walk from Edinburgh Castle, was being turned into the biggest gathering of bagpipers ever known. 10,000 of the bloody things, being played by folks from many, many different countries, and of all sorts of ages, starting as young as about 5.

The real highlight of our final weekend in Edinburgh, at least for me, actually came before we made it to Pipefest. As Trickey and I were loading up his car out the front of our apartment, I was thoughtfully reminded by the passenger of a passing car exactly who I am. As the hatchback drove by, the lovely chap in the passenger seat hung his head out the window, and from the bottom of his gut, for all to hear, yelled “Rrrrrrrrrrrrusty Nut!!!”

Welcome to my world folks.

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Photos: Ben Lomond

August 8th, 2005

Right, now let’s see if these photos do the views any justice.

ben lomond

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Glasgow: Bagging a Munro

August 8th, 2005

Bec and I left Edinburgh at around 8.45pm on Friday night, hiring a car to take us the hour or so west to Glasgow, where we were to stay with Trickey and Sarah. The next day we would be climbing the magnificent Ben Lomond, all 3200 feet of it. Here in Scotland any hill or mountain over 3000 feet is called a munro. And you don’t climb them, you bag them. Don’t ask me why, just trust me when I say we spent the weekend bagging a munro. But before any bagging could take place we had to get to Trickey and Sarah’s apartment.

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The Toilet Wars

August 1st, 2005

Ok, I think it’s necessary for a bit of a content warning on this entry. Possibly against my better judgment, it includes a number of references to poo, and haggis, so if you’re at your desk eating your lunch, you might want to wait until you finish that nice sandwhich or leftover bolognese before you keep reading. But then on the other hand, let’s face it, even the Pope has to sit on the throne at some stage.

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Photos: Ireland

July 29th, 2005

Here’s a few snaps from our weekend in Ireland, at the Hogan family reunion. I’ve tried to avoid having endless photos of me with cousins that I’d just met, unless they share my name, in which case they’re guaranteed a guernsey.

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Ireland – Home is where the Hogans are

July 26th, 2005

Way back in 1850, a bloke by the name of Michael Hogan, my Great Great Grandfather, emigrated from Ireland to Australia. An only child, he left behind in Ireland a father and a few uncles. Although his father didn’t follow the normal Catholic tradition of creating an entire army of kids, his uncles and their wives didn’t hold back, and Michael left behind a whole stack of cousins.

Now, in 2005, 155 years later, Irish descendents of Michael’s cousins were holding a Hogan family reunion, down in County Clare, on Ireland’s west coast. Somehow, through my Uncle Whip back home in Australia, I was able to score an invite to this little shindig. A distant cousin from Australia, here to meet his long lost ancestors.

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Photos: Make Poverty History and the G8 Protests

July 7th, 2005

I won’t post a lot of photos of the Make Poverty History march on July 2nd, but if your appetite for seeing people in white holding placards isn’t satisfied here, then check out my mate Trickey’s photos from the day at FlickR

And unfortunately during the protests on July 4th, my digital camera ran out of batteries, and I only had one roll of film in my old school camera, so I didn’t get quite as many shots as I would have liked. But here’s a few pics, none of which include me, so you can at least be grateful for that.

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The Carnival for Full Enjoyment

July 5th, 2005

Monday July 4th, and the Carnival for Full Enjoyment was set to hit the streets of Edinburgh. Well, at least that was the name the anarchist organisers had given to these anti-capitalism protests.

I wandered down to Princes Street around 12.30 to go and have a look at the action. The plan was to get as close to the drama as possible so that I could take some decent photos, without getting whacked on the head with a shiny black stick.

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Make Poverty History

July 5th, 2005

Bec and I were joined on the morning of Saturday July 2nd by a couple of our best friends, Trickey and Sarah, who had journeyed across from Glasgow to take part in the Make Poverty History march. We wandered from our house on the North of the city to The Meadows on the South of the city; the park area that would host the march. As we ambled through the city itself around 10am, an eeriness drifted down the near-empty streets, the city seemingly holding its breath before what would turn out to be the biggest demonstration in Scottish history.

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