BootsnAll Travel Network

Photos: Pipefest

10,000 bagpipers all in one place – I know you want to see pictures. So, let me oblige.

The Bagpipin’ Picnic. From the left, that’s Verity (Kath and Greg’s friend), Bec, Sarah, Trickey, Greg, and Dave. Kath is taking the photo. Behind us is Arthur’s Seat, and a heap of people lining the road that the bagpipers were marching along.view image

The March. You’ve got to love those Scottish outfits.view image

The Fiery Piper. There was a seemingly endless parade of different bagpipe marching bands, the highlight of which was obviously this kid. view image

The Kiddy Pipers. They even make the kids wear the skirts. view image

The Baby Piper. Now everybody, all together now, ooorrrrrrrr. view image

Kilts. Lets be honest here folks, they’re skirts, really. We all know it. But only now that we’ve left Scotland can we say it. view image

Ok, there’ll be no more pictures of men in skirts from here on, I promise.

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One Response to “Photos: Pipefest”

  1. kathieinmex Says:

    OOOOhhhh, I just loved your photos of the pipers! Yeah, you gotta start early, it takes about 10 years to learn to do it properly. And the last photo: how very nice to see the Clan Donald dress tartan. My very own husband’s clan!
    The choice of material is called a ‘tartan’ and it’s made into the ‘kilt’.
    Anything else you need to know? I used to be (before I got cancer, lost my mind, found it, got cured and moved to Mexico) the Florida Commiossioner for Clan Donald USA.

  2. Posted from Mexico Mexico
  3. admin Says:

    Hi ya Kathieinmex. 10 Years!! Are you serious? Do you know how many languages I could learn in ten years.

    That is pretty cool though – shows how much dedication and time one needs to learn how to blow hot air into a tartan bag. I love it. Was it the kilt that made you fall in love with your husband? I take it thereĀ“s not too many pipers in Mexico….

    Glad to hear you fought through and found your mind again too.

  4. Posted from Czech Republic Czech Republic

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