BootsnAll Travel Network

Marrakech or the land of Adidas Berber – part 4

Travelling with Noah, 6-months old.

So this was the most stressing unknown aspect of the trip: how was he going to be on the plane? Would he scream down? Would people just tell us to shut the kid up? Could we find what we needed once we got there? Would he get ill? What would we do?
Well, it went very, very well. He wasn’t scared on the plane, neither during the take off nor during the landing. We made sure he sucked on his dummy so his ears wouldn’t hurt and that he was either busy or asleep. We had brought all the formula, all the baby food pots and breakfast for 5 days, and 3 days worth of nappies, and some Calpol just in case. Once you get there, you can buy the nappies per unit and they really don’t cost much. I would definitely bring prepared pot food instead of relying on the local stuff, because you cannot know if and how your baby will react to the change. We brought a cheap pushchair that we use only when we travel on planes, so if it breaks, it breaks. And we also brought the baby sling as we expected the streets to be bad due to the cobbles. The cobbles weren’t too bad, but once you get in the souks or in the medina streets, it’s best to have the baby in your arms or in the sling, so that he’s not levelled with the mopeds exhausts, because they get quite bad and Noah had a really dirty nose, so it goes to show the crap he breathed. The good thing about Noah being in the sling is that people couldn’t touch them as much as when he was in his pushchair. Moroccans adore kids, and we had so many people pulling faces at him etc, it was great, but after a while it’s best if he’s left alone (let’s face it, you’d hate to have your cheeks pinched after a while).

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