Jan. 28/29 – Costa Rica
Sunday, January 29th, 2006Day 180/181 – We spent this Saturday in Jaco, a beach resort town that was having a big beach party this weekend. A beach volleyball tournament was going on all weekend and a live concert on Sunday afternoon. We came here to sell our surf board in order to get some cash to help with our shipping costs, and because we’ve been told there isn’t as much surf in South America. After accomplishing this task we spent our time wandering the beach and slept in a campground for the night. The campground was one big party! I believe there were people that never went to bed, the cars just kept coming in. It was impressive.
A big community of campers! A very great culture, even if it was noisy 🙂
A river of Crocodiles
Today we are looking for a cheap place to shower, sleep, and use the internet 🙂 We are packing our bags for either a trip on the ship or backpacking our way to Chile. Henry even got his first bath since we bought him! We want him to look pretty for the customs officials in Chile!
A clean shiny Henry in Puntarenas!!