How much can we cram into a VW Golf??
Tuesday, August 9th, 2005Packing… I think we have everything we could possibly think of from the mini-ipod to a few pillows. Hey, when you going to be living on the road for two months – one wants to have a few comforts. During this packing and sorting endeavor I realized how many gadgets we have now, and how electronic our modern world has become. A few years ago, we would have packed our CD’s, Portable CD player, and tape adapter, a camera that took film, and a cooler. Now, the modern adults we are, we have a digital camera, an iriver portable harddrive/mp3 player, mini-ipod, cell phone, a laptop, a portable refrigerator (hooks up the 12volt in the back of the car – nice huh?), a 12 volt transformer that converts to 110 volts (so we can power our electronics and recharge our toys), and enough chargers, power cords, and data cables to choke a mule.
Along with packing came storing the items that we could not bare to sell or had to keep incase the government audits us in the future. Thanks to my sister and her husband, Holly & Neil, we were able to store our 8 boxes of items and 8 boxes of media mail in her basement until we get to Seattle – where we can properly put all 16 boxes in storage and add a few additional boxes after we sort through what we left at her house before we left for NYC (3 years ago) and what is in storage near my dad’s house (which came from my mom’s house when she moved while we were in NYC -who knows what’s in there). Purging your life accumulations and possessions at age 27 is very gratifying and refreshing. Give it a try at any age 😉
Before we left NYC our car was full in the trunk and stack to the ceiling in the backseat, along with Jason’s bike strapped to the back of our little beast of a car. After mailing a few packages and re-organizing our stuff, we have managed to shrink our backseat storage to the height of the seat backs. Soon, we will ditch a few more things and hopefully have it even lower… we’ll see.