BootsnAll Travel Network

Aug 29 – NV

Day 28 – Woke up to a still morning that was chilly accompanied by an outstanding sunrise coming over the mountains, and techno music playing in the background…I have no clue who listens to techno that early in the morning. We were on a pre-historic lakebed that was dried up and cracked surrounded by mountains. The immigrants were still moving in to find their new homes on the already layout playa city, and there was a constant flow all day. The morning was so perfect until about 10.00, than the winds started up again and blew all day creating constant white-outs, sucking in fine dust and not seeing more than a few feet around us was a very unpleasant. We rode around the city a bit to see what was going on, and it was mostly people setting up their camps or art installations. So, finding shelter at the center camp café and listening to live musicians while watching people dance and/or practice their fire dancing movements was our only escape from the storm outside. Now we know why they suggest bring goggles to burning man. By mid-day the fine silt dust became our outer layer of skin and the wind had taken all of our hydration out of us. We constantly were drinking water and making trips to the port-a-potties.

That night we met our neighbors who’s camp’s name is Frogma (which included Martin, Dee, Trey, Rene, Terence, Raphael, and Giz,) and took company and shelter in their geodesic dome (the most come form of shelter here out on the playa). They had some very comfy couches and tables set up inside the dome along with a few carpets. We soon learned that this was not over doing it, but quiet normal here. People have allocated furniture used only for Burning Man.

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