Aug 28 – Black Rock City, NV
Day 27 – Two lane highway on a very dark night with long segments of cars, thinking ‘are we ever going to get there?’ Finally, we arrive at 10.30pm to the dusty road of Black Rock City. A 5 mph speed limit is in effect and to help the time pass by they were very kind to place signs every 10 feet of poetry all they way to the ticket gate. At the ticket gate they check for stowaways and informed us of the weather, to drive slow, and to proceed to the greeting entrance. It was extremely windy and dusty that night – the wind was about 40 mph. We drove on slowly, again reading more great writing on signs posted down the road. We were greeted by a lady and nude gentleman. I don’t know how he could stand the cold wind and biting dust that was flying around. We were given a city map, a book of events, and general information. Than, we had to go sound a big bell at the gate before we drove through to let everyone know that there were two new burners in the city now. They made you feel like you were coming home, not coming to an event. We made our way through the city to find our new home for the next seven days. The area we ended up setting camp at was where a soccer-mate from nyc mentioned she might be staying. Did I mention it was windy and dusty?? We set up our tent with rebar as stakes and hopped inside for our first nights sleep in the city.
Here is a link to a photo album on burning man – not many pictures, it was more of an experience than a picture taking thing. For burning man & hwy 50 pics CLICK ON ME – you don’t have to sign in the website, just click on the album.
Tags: 03 - USA - Rocky Mountains, black rock city, burning man
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