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April 26/May 13 – Argentina/USA

Thursday, May 18th, 2006

Day 268/285 – After our non-stop, 48 hour journey to the airport, we spent the morning talking to every airline office in the airport. Then talking to them on the phone. And finally browsing the internet for airfares. Our research found that the compassion (bereavement) fares that airlines offer for flying home last minute for family issues is not very generous. The internet prices are just the same, or even cheaper. We couldn’t find anything under $2500usd each, which was way too much, and we needed to leave within 24 hours in order to arrive in time for the funeral. We were really bummed to find out compassion fares are not so compassionate. So, with that decision made for us, our next option was to fly straight to New York City, which was our original intention a few days earlier. The best deal we could find to New York City was leaving that same night, it was even cheaper than waiting a few days. I think it was because it was a Wednesday. Of course we bought the tickets, and spent our time wandering the airport until our flight took off in the evening.

Next thing we know, we are sitting in our friend’s apartment in New York City, with the western world all around us and spring sunshine beaming through the windows. It is really crazy, how quickly things can happen. There wasn’t much culture shock for us since we have been bouncing around from culture to culture our whole trip. I think the hard thing will be staying in one place for an extended period of time, since we have been living our vagabond lifestyle. It is definitely nice being back and having available all the food we are used to. To be in your own environment always feels fulfilling, but it is not something I was longing for when we were travelling. Though I have to admit, our first meal was my favorite comfort food, Kraft Mac & Cheese 😉

We are not ending our trip, but have it on hold right now. It is hard to tell for how long. It all depends on the outcome of the projects we need to finish, and what the future brings in the coming months. Although getting jobs seems so permanent, in order to maintain any short term living in New York we need to (this city is so damn expensive). To our amazement, the job market for architects is hot right now. That was a relief to find out, that it won’t be too hard to survive here.

As time passes I will add posts, just not as often since our experiences in New York are not quite as new and interesting as they were on the road. I am starting to put together our photos, and will be uploading them to the blog. I apologize for not having any in the past month, but our computer was on the fritz, and we only got it working right before we left Cerro Sombrero. It will take some time, but this is a good chance for us to catch up on all the photos for the blog 🙂 I am sure you are all just dying to seem them – hee hee. 😉

Note – 3

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

I uploaded a few pics of Denali – Aug 15/16 blog entry.

Below are some pics of when we were driving through Canada to AK and back through Canada to WA.

Banff National Park

Jasper National Park, our first night camping in Canada!

Jasper National Park

Canadian School Bus

Jason in Jasper National Park

Yukon, Canada

Yukon, Canada

View from our tent on our 2nd night camping in Canada

note – 1

Thursday, September 15th, 2005
I figured I would be adding notes to the blog as we travel, so now I am numbering them.. but Aug 26 is updated with photos from our drive to arches national park. Here is a pic of a view ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 8 – WY/MT

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 38 - We woke up with the sunrise to the freezing temperatures in Yellowstone, it was in the high 30’s and as we packed up our tent our hands were not happy to be bare to the temperatures. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 6 – UT

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 36 - We went down to the Red Cross meeting for volunteers this morning and learned how the whole system worked and what Red Cross is doing for the hurricane relief project. Unfortunately, we couldn’t be ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 5 – UT

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 35 - After we wiped down the dust off the major areas of the inside of our car and the bucket we used was definitely dirty afterwards. We headed to Salt Lake City, UT to try and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 4 – NV

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 34 - We decided to leave Black Rock City today, even though there was still one more event to happen, it just felt like it was time for us to go, and I have learned to go with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 3 – NV

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 33 – The night of the burn. We joined Frogma for the night of the burn and ventured out on the playa early to find a good spot so that we could watch the fire dancers and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 2 – NV

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 32 - Today we met a great guy named Dale and a few of his friends stopped by once in awhile. He was gracious enough to Jason and I to offer to fix Jason’s bike when the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sept. 1 – NV

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005
Day 31 - New campers came into town and set up next to us this morning. Nick and Lara were great neighbors and we really enjoyed chatting with them. It is hard to meet someone here that ... [Continue reading this entry]