Hmmm… What did we do today?
Oh, that’s right… we went and saw the Pope!
It’s weird to think about it that way… like… it’s just part of the day or something.
So last night turned out pretty awesome… I saw most of the main buildings at night and John got drunk and had to take a cab back to the hostel..haha. I will have to say though that some of the men in Italy are pigs… they will actually come right up to you and pretty much harass you. I was lucky that I was dressed in my grubby blue shirt and blue pants so I looked like the unattractive Ev that roams the streets in Edmonton… the girls I was walking with, however, were dressed in nicer clothing and it was scary how close the men got sometimes.
Anyway, today, we went on a tour where we got to see the Pope address everyone in St. Peter’s Square… we also got to walk through the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Catacombs, and St. Peter’s Basilica (sp?). It was a pretty good tour and our tour guide was really good. I actually felt like I learned a lot but I can’t remember any of it now.. haha. Afterwards, John and I decided to cover some ground so we wouldn’t have to rush through the Colosseum tomorrow. So on the way back to the hostel today, we also went to Piazza Del Popolo, The Spanish Steps, The Pantheon, and Piazza Republicca.
Boy our feet are tired now… but we just had the greatest slices of pizza (with a pop) for under 5 €. I think I will go and try to find a place to have a Canolli tonight… and maybe some more Gelato… man, I love that stuff. Well, I guess I’m off for a dessert hunt!
Found it!
Tags: Europe
October 26th, 2006 at 4:04 pm
I must be stupid or something… but where are the pics?
October 29th, 2006 at 9:29 am
There are only a few pictures and they are posted in the most logical blog entry place (so pictures of Istanbul will be in an Istanbul post… etc.). I think I might have to wait until I get to my cousins house in France to really upload them because I want to shrink them a bit so they don’t take up as much space.