Vendredi Vendredi!
Normally, Fridays are a great thing… they signify the end of a work week and the beginning of a weekend…. I guess I’m just in one of those slumpy kind of moods. I guess it seems really lonely when you can’t make any friends out here. Sigh… my dog, my friends and family… I miss having them around. I mean, I try to speak French with my Friend, Ali and I go for conversational French lessons with Monsieur Habel every Friday but I think my French is hopeless… it’s just really bad. Personally, I don’t think they even understand what I’m trying to say most of the time… And it’s so embarrassing tying to speak it because I know people are thinking I’m stupid. So, I will spend yet another weekend by myself 🙁 However, I seem to be able to really entertain myself these days so I’m thinking it will still be a fun weekend…. so fun, that I’m going to attempt to translate this blog post into French. If you are offended by what will be a horrible attempt to write in French, please look away. I figure this will be good practice for me….
En Francais:
Normalment, chaque Vendredi est tres bien… c’est la fin de la semaine et c’est le début du week-end… mais je trouve que je suis deprimee. Il semble que je me sens seul parce que je ne peux pas trouver/faire des amis ici. Sigh… ma chien, ma famille, mes amis… je les manque. J’essaye de parler français avec mon ami, Ali et je vais aux leçons françaises conversationnelles avec Monsieur Habel chaque Vendredi mais je trouve que mon Français est absolument nul. Personnellement, je pense que ils ne me comprennent pas souvent…. et c’est embarrassant parce que tout le monde penser que je suis stupide (this attempt probably proves them right:) ). Alors, je vais passer du weekend seulement… Facon que, Je peux m’amuser, ainsi, le weekend sera bien.
I hope I came remotely close to getting some of that right. Please please please feel free to correct my mistakes in the comments!
Corrigez mes erreurs, SVP!
Tags: Europe