A Nice Long Drive Around Lac Leman
Today was pretty neat. My Aunt, John, and I packed up some fresh local cheese, carrot sticks, tomatoes, and chocolate and went of a car ride around Lac Leman (This is the Lake that Geneva sits on the tip of). So we headed up the north side of the lake stopping in Lausanne to see the Olympic Museum. Some of the exhibitions were closed so it was a little disappointing. We then got back on the road to make our way towards Montreux.
Normally, this drive would be amazingly scenic with the autumn colors, the beautiful mountains in the foreground and the amazing Swiss Alps in the background. However, today was sooooo rainy. We haven’t seen this much rain on the whole trip… I don’t think I’ve seen this much rain in Edmonton even in a long time. So, we could basically only see the outlines of the mountains nearby and the everything was some shade of grey. Regardless, it was easy to tell (even through the shades of grey) that this area had the potential for the most amazing scenery.
As we rounded Montreux, we zipped through many nice little towns and you could see amazing chateaus up the sides of the mountains… this was definitely areas for the rich. Despite the rain, the drive along the coast was very nice… it was starting to get dark so you could see the lights of the houses across the lake.
During the drive we ate our snacks and talked about everything… it was like those family roadtrips you took when you were 12 and you munched on carrot sticks all day. We did however stop for some bread and it’s like my aunt could read our minds: not only did she return with bread, she bought 2 fresh-made (still warm) chocolate croissants for John and I… mmmmmmm.
Soon, we were in the little town of Evian. That’s right, the town where Evian water is made… we drove around for a looong time to find the Evian plant where you could get free water from a rock outside. It took us forever but we found it… and wouldn’t you know it… they turned off the water. I guess not very many people go to Evian when it’s not tourist season so they turned off the pump. How disappointing! John and I took pictures of ourselves pretending to fill our water bottles anyway so those will be up next time we get a chance. We ate dinner in Evian and then made the way back home. I could really see myself living in Geneva other than the fact everything costs an arm and a leg… what’s a limb here and there anyway? I think I will definitely have to return someday… perhaps to work?
Tomorrow, my aunt has to work so John and I are going to check out the city itself before we catch our flight to Cairo in the evening…. I guess that will conclude our Europe leg of the trip… wow… We’ve been gone more than 2 months now! I’m going to make a separate post summarizing Europe… so see you on the next post!
Tags: Europe