Food Day for John
Well, the day didn’t start off so great for John because my Uncle thought it would be funny to make John eat the same thing I eat so John had eat vegetarian fried rice for brunch before my uncle drove us to the train station.
The train ride was uneventful… other than the slightly funny fact that our bags now take up the space of the luggage for 6 people! At the train station in Geneva, my other aunt picked us up and we went on a mini tour through Geneva. This tour included the supermarket where we picked up some REAL cheese and some sausages for John.
This is where it starts to get good for John… After we dropped off our bags at my aunts house, she took us to a place called Cafe du Paris… basically there was only one thing on the menu… its almost like my aunt has known John for years or something… The only thing on the menu was STEAK COOKED IN BUTTER. The steak is brough out on a metal dish with a small flame under it which makes sure the butter melts so it can get soaked up in the steak…. it was like a heart attack waiting to happen… hehhee. John was in heaven…. smiling ear to ear. He almost ate the whole dish that came out (it was for 2). I was left to eat the salad and fries that came with the meal.
Oh, I almost forgot! My aunt brought back salt and vinegar Miss Vicki’s chips….. mmmmmmmmmmmm. John dove right into those but I won’t lie, I took a good chunk of those too! MMMMM…
Afterwards, my aunt took us for a walk around the Rhone River… it was very nice at night with watch and bank logos everywhere. We passed by the main shopping street… stuff in Geneva is EXPENSIVE!!! Anyway, tomorrow we are driving down to walk around Lake Geneva and then drive to Evian to take in the view of the mountains. Its good that my aunt lives here because I don’t think John and I would have been able to afford anything. That and we’d have to change our money to Swiss Francs (which is actually very colorful, but the bills are reallllly long… they don’t even fit in the average wallet). Anyway, hope all is well with everyone. I have gotten many photo invite requests so I’m going to assume you all suck… haha… just kidding. Make sure to let me know before I get into Kenya so I can actually invite you to the photo list.
Tags: Europe
November 19th, 2006 at 10:18 am
Hey Ev,
well, first of all, happy belated birthday! haha oops… my bad. I don’t normally write e-mails/comments etc. Anyways, sounds like you’re having a blast. As for me, still working crazy hours. i’ve been at work for an hour and i just realized that i didn’t button up my shirt. hahah well, one button… =P anyways, you’ll have to show me the pictures later. Hope all is well, i thought i’d give a shout out to ya, let you know that i’m still alive. Take care!
November 19th, 2006 at 1:55 pm
Yup the french sure know how to cook their steaks. I mean sure someone would probly get a heart attack at the age of 30 but eating steaks like that all your life your in heaven already. I gotta say i thought it would be much with the steak in a vat of melted herb and garlic butter but man was i wrong. That was probly the most succulant, juicy and just plain out delicious steak i ever had. The fact that we’re heading to Africa where i’ll probly be on a diet for a while just made me enjoy that steak all the more. So if you’re ever in Geneva the steakhouse is definetly the place to be.
November 19th, 2006 at 3:17 pm
the nice thing about swiss currency was that it was almost 1 to 1 with the Canadian dollar when I was traveling around.