Odds and ends from last night
Saturday, July 21st, 2007I forgot; there were tons of bats at the fair. And I ran into a really odd bird the other night – about a foot tall and it looked like a cross between a seagull and sand piper. I’ll be around-ish tomorrow. I leave for the rainforest for 3 nights early on Monday.
Also – last night was like the night before Christmas. I ended up with so much nervous energy I wandered around town, checked out the night markets, and ended up having a long talk with a Kiwi guy outside a tattoo parlor. I couldn’t sleep for ages. And I was 7th in line to get the book. I almost wish I could have been in NY – I’ve heard incredible stories about the release parties there. It was pretty subdued this morning (I checked out an SF guidebook in line) and once I was powerwalknig back, I passed a girl reading on the escalator and more girls in costume wishing each other happy reading as they split up with promises to call tomorrow.
In case it helps; a repost of Stephen King’s musings on the last installment.
Iron man: Downey and Jon Favreau
The weirdest headline in a while: Seth Rogen to write and Star in the Green Hornet. I… don’t even know.
http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_daily_show/index.jhtml Check out CSPAN after dark (scroll down). Also the political theater bit following (the Barack Obama bit… so brilliant)