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Odds and ends from last night

Saturday, July 21st, 2007

I forgot; there were tons of bats at the fair. And I ran into a really odd bird the other night – about a foot tall and it looked like a cross between a seagull and sand piper. I’ll be around-ish tomorrow. I leave for the rainforest for 3 nights early on Monday.

Also – last night was like the night before Christmas. I ended up with so much nervous energy I wandered around town, checked out the night markets, and ended up having a long talk with a Kiwi guy outside a tattoo parlor. I couldn’t sleep for ages. And I was 7th in line to get the book. I almost wish I could have been in NY – I’ve heard incredible stories about the release parties there. It was pretty subdued this morning (I checked out an SF guidebook in line) and once I was powerwalknig back, I passed a girl reading on the escalator and more girls in costume wishing each other happy reading as they split up with promises to call tomorrow.

In case it helps; a repost of Stephen King’s musings on the last installment.

Iron man: Downey and Jon Favreau

The weirdest headline in a while: Seth Rogen to write and Star in the Green Hornet. I… don’t even know. Check out CSPAN after dark (scroll down). Also the political theater bit following (the Barack Obama bit… so brilliant)

[read on]


Saturday, July 21st, 2007

I was going to post about the book, but I’m going to wait until I can rant over the phone cross-pacific with my mom. In the meantime, I’m reading on the comments over at cleolinda’s.

And I want to see the American chapter art! Someone post already!

(John Oliver on HP:

Ok – I’m going to post a few thoughts:

[ARGH – there be spoilers ahead! A bat-bogey hex on anyone continuing without reading the book first!]

[read on]


Friday, July 20th, 2007
It can't be over. It just can't!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone in my hostel is looking at me oddly, probably because I kept bursting out to run for more tissues, or gasping/laughing/at one point yelling "you stupid blighter!" at Harry. Harumph. I might have to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Emmys! (Happy birth moment, Michael)

Thursday, July 19th, 2007
I've officially avoided HP spoilers and after I get off of here, I'm going back to my hostel and reading my 3rd Ngaio Marsh (bad news: I figured out the 2nd one as well) and going to bed to avoid ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cairns show

Thursday, July 19th, 2007
Got my rainforest trip all booked (23-26th) and I'm going to do the dive when I get back (intro dives don't go deep enough to worry about flying). 2 more sleeps to Harry Potter! Got a new camera bag, although the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Linkspam, courtesy of Cleolinda

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007
I have clicked on all the links except the first one, but I still wouldn't read any comments sections or anything outside of the main articles. That said, I'd risk spoilers for the cracked article. From Cleolinda: Online leaks could ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
I GOT MY CAMERA! I GOT MY CAMERA! (*war dance*) Hee. And the package had a couple of pink sections from the chronicle and a Pomona magazine, so I've been having fun catching up on stuff this afternoon (stop getting married ... [Continue reading this entry]

Can you, for a moment, imagine how dispiriting it is to teach five centuries of masculine ineptitude?

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
Jon Stewart is finally back!! On Scooter Libby and Fox news, 1st clip: Cirque DuSoleil has a new show: Kooza. It'll be in SF in the winter. Wait - I'll be in SF in the winter (maybe)!! Holy ... [Continue reading this entry]

The debate continues…

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Okay - MY list: My list only includes things I've seen all the way through. So yes, there are lots of great films (well, I assume great) omitted: (Citizen Kane, Third man, Apocalypse now, All about ... [Continue reading this entry]

Romantic-Comedy Movies

Monday, July 16th, 2007
Okay - well my brother and I were arguing about Love, Actually. I still plan on going through his movie list, but it got me thinking. Rom-Coms are not really my cup of tea for the most part. Anything with ... [Continue reading this entry]