Hee. And the package had a couple of pink sections from the chronicle and a Pomona magazine, so I’ve been having fun catching up on stuff this afternoon (stop getting married my age people!). Oh – and I went to about 10 camera shops, but I haven’t found a good camera bag for it.
I’m still annoyed by the robbery. I had to present ID to get my camera, so I had to take my passport – and this is annoying because I really liked my CA ID! Most people hate their photos – but I really liked mine. Grrr… In addition to being broke (-er) than I would have been without having my stuff stolen, especially as I’ve had to replace most of the contents of the bag slowly. Stupid robber.
Here’s an Absolute Garbage DVD preview
There was a really lovely parrot at a cafe I passed by – all pale blue. I haven’t seen one like it before. I also really like the mini-doves they have around here that have black tips to their feathers, so they look kind of like pinecones.
“Perhaps the developing wizard has outgrown Every Flavour Beans in favor Bertie Bott’s Dopamine-Draining Rave-y Good Time Pills”
I need some new music – any suggestions? And I’ve decided to get my haircut after the rainforest. So it will be as neat and presentable as possible for Christchurch. I’ll update once I know how long I’ll be north for. I have to go do laundry and book stuff.
Tags: Travel