Another day another dive
June 29th, 2008So today we got to go to a dive site that we have only been one time before, I was assisting a fun dive. And man if you are assisting you really need to know where the hell you are! Cuz as luck would have it one of our divers ran out of air and I was suppose to get them to the buoy line to bring them back up. Well if anyone did not know this already I suck at navigation. This is Maryanne by the way.. Yes I know Jared is great at navigating but he was not with me. So I am off in the direction that the DM told me was the way. Straight as an arrow. Into the wide open spaces. After about 7 mins of realising that there is no bouy line in this direction. I signal to the guys that we are going up. Well we missed the bouy line by a long shot!! We had a nice swim back about 4 boats away. But no worries we were still the first on the boat and the customers were not mad at me. As I did apoligize like a hundred times. I got a nice talking too. Sarah the boat Dive Master was very sweet. As I already knew I did wrong no need to tell me again. She told me what to do next time I cant find the bouy line, everything was all good though. On the other hand, she and the rest of the group tired to chase me. And because of it, they got to see a shark. So all in all not bad! It all ended well but next time, I am going to know where that line is, I tell ya!!!
Okay Jared here – Maryanne forgot to tell of our friendly visitor two nights ago. So to set the scene, Maryanne is in the bathroom getting ready for bed like normal. As she was drying her face, she looked up and screamed her head off. She ran into the bedroom crying her eyes out (okay that was my take lol) She told me of this huge spider staring at her in the bathroom and that I should go in and take care of it. Like a good man, I confidently walked into the bathroom to sort it out. Well now, I thought she was just exaggerating the size of the spider….. boy was I wrong, this thing was huge!!! It was also brown, the only brown spider in the US that I know of is poisonous!! Since I am not a native Thai person, I did not know if this thing could EAT ME ALIVE or not, I wasn’t taking any chances. At this point I need a clean pair of shorts as I look around and can’t find anything to kill this thing with!! Maryanne is peaking her head out of the bedroom through living room and into the bathroom asking me why I am being a baby and just kill the thing already!! Yeah she is supportive!! So with my manhood no longer in tack, thanks… I starting crying, just kidding, I started to figure out how to improvise a rudimentry tool that would allow me to kill this bastard from a distance! Not to easy when you travel only with a small backpack. God I hate nature, it is all around us!!! So here I am with the bathroom plunger, the only weapon with length to it readily available. Okay spiders have 8 legs, which apparently makes them quite fast!! Imagine how fast we could move with 8 legs….okay anyway. This thing didn’t want to die, it kept moving!!! So with Maryanne telling me to hurry up, I had to change tactics. Oh yeah and all the while I am holding a bathroom towel in front of me, in case this was a freakin jumping spider which at any minute would turn into the predator in this little dance of men and bite the crap out of me! So towel in one hand, plunger in the other, tough call since I don’t want to let go of either!!! There on the counter is a can of air freshener, sweet! So I squirt the crap out of this thing till it falls on the floor. Down with the plunger and he is trapped! So I kill the thing, put it into two plastic bags, kill it some more and then wrap it in a black trash bag. Don’t want any of his friends see that I killed him and throw the bag outside! Man where is the Hilton Resort, we are so moving!!! LOL I wish. Now we are back to taking showers with only frogs, lizards and centipedes. Luckily two of the three creatures kills spiders and bugs, they are my new friends protecting the PANZYS
Okay now my dive today was fantastic!!! Got to see lots of cool fish on the first down as it was down to 30m. The visibility was great! The highlight of the dive was the second one, there were tunnels and swim throughs. Man I was excited, all the way up till they told me there were lots of Trigger Fish!!! You all remember what happened last time! There were 5 of us going 3 boys and 2 girls. They were instructors and DM’s so I felt safe, with the exception that one of them Mark loves Triggers and routinely chases them. Thankfully Deb doesn’t like them and avoids them, so guess who I am following! Well as we jumped off the back of the boat, which I thought was odd at first since everyone else went off the front. I soon found out why when we hit the bottom and you could literally see 10 big a@@ Trigger fish. I was a big nest. I was scared, so the me and the 2 girls pretty much swam on top of Mark and Adam throught the pit of death! Yeah I have no shame! Anyway once passed them we ventured through the swim throughs, man was that cool. Saw Scorpian Fish, Grouper, Spanish Dancer, etc. The best dive I have had on the island!!! Okay Maryanne said I have written enough, just trying to make sure I get that damn book deal!!! Thanks Lamar!