The certs just keep on coming
Well we are finished with Advanced and are working on our Rescue Diver course, which we should be done by tomorrow. So far we have been busy busy busy. This is not feeling to much like a vacation, but who needs rest right. We have been diving pretty much everyday since we got here. Today was very rough seas and the boat ride was quit an adventure, to say the least. It felt like that boat could tip over at any min and Jared was planning his excape route the whole time. I dont know how they go out during Monsoon season. They are crazy! Well we did our night dive last night and Jared was not all that crazy about it. It was kind of hard to see things and there was quite a few of us out there, so it was a bit confusing with so many lights all over the place. All in all it was not a bad dive. We did see some Baracuda, Spotted Sting Ray, sleeping Trigger fish and a bunch of other smaller fish. (Jareds take) Also for our Advanced course we did Navigation which the instructed said mine was wicked, yeah I am that good LOL. There was a Deep Dive down to 30m which was awesome, the visibility was much better than expected. No sharks thankfully, especially since I don’t have my 2 dive knives yet! No if only I can get better at breathing slower, man I can go through some air! Although everyday I dive I do get better!
Oh by the way trying to get someone on a boat all by yourself is not easy. Today me and Jared found out that if we were the only ones on a boat and one of us was hurt or drowning we could not get the other one on the boat by ourselves. Well I guess we have to work on our muscles a bit more. Go ahead try it at home and see if you can do it.. Oh wait did I forget to tell you that first you have to pull the person to the boat while giving then rescue breaths and taking off all the gear.. Then you have to carry them on the boat. Well I hate to say it but I only could make it up one step and that was it. So Jared would have died I guess. 🙂 Maybe tomorrow I will be better. Jared here, well we actually decided to read the chapter covering this tonight and found out we weren’t doing it right. So tomorrow for the test, I think it should be easier. Man reading the material really does help!!
I did do one nice thing for myself today. I got a massage. It was definatly needed as my arms and legs are killing me. Jared is still afraid of the Thai massage ladies as two 40 year old thai women basically beat me up for a half hour last year. Massage my ass, it is a lot like torture, but no one asks you questions to find out information!!!!
Tags: Thailand
You guys rock! I had a Thai Massage….can we say PAIN! after it was all said and done, I did feel better, mainly becuase they STOPED! Anyway, keep us posted, miss and love you guys.
Tell him they will do a ‘happy ending’ and I am sure he will go! Hahahah!!!
Happy ending.. same thing I was thinking when i read it.. to bad they are 40 lol gonna get worms
Keep the info coming – you two are doing just great! GET THOSE KNIVES !!!
Just trying to get yourself on the boat is sometimes very hard – let alone trying to bring someone else on as well! Yuck…