Getting Closer
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008Well today we finally did it, we got our one-way tickets to Thailand!!!!! We were going to do it yesterday when we booked our Dive Master course, but of course Qatar Airways website was down. Oh well we got them today!! What a wonderful day!! These 39 days are going to go by very slow. Well at least it will give us more time to spend with friends before we leave. Two of them are getting married this week, which is awesome they are both fantastic people!! Although with one of them from South Africa and the other from England, I would not want to be in the house during matches for Cricket, Football or Rugby when their countries meet! 🙂 Eugene and Emma congrats, we sure will miss you guys! It is also Emma and Scott’s 30th birthdays being held at the local Rugby Club this weekend! It should be a wild night! Hopefully Scott doesn’t go on a walkabout (he is Australian and makes his countrymen proud!), or if he does he takes me with him! LOL The list goes on, there are so many people here we will miss dearly. It is tough to be excited about leaving for our trip, when we will have to say goodbye to so many wonderful people here in Qatar!!