Trip to Florida
Alright we actually missed blogging about our trip back to the US in March. We had a wonderful time getting to see our families again. It has been about a year and a half since we were last in the US and since we planning a 2 year trip, it was important to see everyone. I was even able to make it up to Minnesota and see my brother and sister. Having such a large, spread out family makes it a little difficult to see everyone unfortunately. The only downside to my trip was that I felt really old as my nephew and niece kicked my butt at Guitar Heroes. Man they are good, so I think I will stick with bowling on the Wii!
We did find out that Indian food in the states is not the same is it is made in Qatar. Both made my actual Indians but somehow it is better here, interesting! Aside from food, we had a wonderful time meeting my brother and sister-in-laws friends in Orlando, they are awesome! We spent quite a bit of time in Orlando, not only cause of family but we also had to take care of business stuff there, banking, shopping and putting our stuff in storage. You know you actually get a discount from paying in advance! Man I love saving money, plus it will be another thing we will not have to worry about till July 2010! We also spent a bit of time at the Travel Country store, man that place rocks. The staff was awesome; we spent a lot of time chatting with them. I think when we come back to the states I want to work there! They helped us a lot buying the stuff we need for our trip. Jason and Kara, thanks for letting us crash with you guys! Hope you guys can keep up game night!
It was also great to see the folks! My parents are fantastic what can I say! Although they have a way of making me feel really lazy, they are the most active people I know! Just hearing about what they do in a normal day makes me tired!
I also got a chance to visit with an old friend whom I have known since I was a kid! It was great to reconnect with her and swap life stories face to face. She’s great, love ya Amy!
We also went out and had a good visit with Maryanne’s friends and family. Pensacola is so not my favorite place! I am still convinced I can get them all to move out of there at some point in time! LOL
Ok It is my(Maryanne) turn to write a little something, something. I had a great time while we were in the States. It was so great seeing our families. I know it was a short visit but I got to spend time with all of you. To my best friend Jann and her lovely husband Shane. Who can say that they still have there best friend from childhood, when they live across the world from each other. Every time we get together it is like no time has passed. I really miss you! You guys take care of each other and your beautiful little girl Payton. She is the cutest.. Ok, Ok I my be a little bias on this one.. 🙂
Dad, I miss you bunches and bunches. Please take care of yourself.
To my bothers and sisters-in-laws – Chris, Holly, Micheal, Erica and Nick I am glad I got to see you all. Erica, No shots next time. Holly thanks for the dinner it was lovely.
To Kara and Jason Thank you so much for letting us stay with you. I hope we were not to much of a pain in the butt. I know if we were Kara would have no problem telling us. 😉 We miss Fritz and Sophie.
Mom and Dad Davis. As always it was a great visit. I really enjoyed the time we spent with you both. It was nice just sitting on the back porch talking.
Tags: Florida
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