When Trigger Fish Attack!!
Alright so here is the deal! After we finished up on our Rescue Course we had sometime before our Dive Master course starts, so we decided to practice our new skills and just get more comfortable with diving. So we have been doing Fun Dives. The first couple were pretty nice, we went off and did our own thing with only a compass and our dive computers. We did learn after the first dive that it might be a good idea to ask someone about the site before just jumping in so we know where to go and what to see. So then we started going with other Dive Master Trainees. All was fine until yesterday. Well with the exception of me learning to not use my air so fast, cause man do I breathe a lot!!! Anyway so yesterday we are swimming along, I am determined to control my breathing. However today was not my lucky day, first of all there was a strong current and we were diving around shark island (cue Jaws theme song in my head, yeah thanks a lot for making that dumb movie!) So my breathing was a little faster than I wanted but no worries I said I can do this. So we round the bend to a side of the small island that doesn’t have much current, I get control of my breathing and now glide easily throught the water looking at the Bat fish, Angel Fish, Cleaner Wrasse and other fish. All good now or so I thought. I move a little away from the island to explore some smaller coral at about 14 meters. Then out of no where here comes a Big A@@ Trigger Fish!! He is going straight for my legs. Now I had seen these things attack other people from a distance and it looks funny, amusing even! However now that I see one of this fish up close coming after me, there razor sharp, jagged teeth trying to take off my leg, I am now sorry I ever laughed at someone getting attacked. Damn Karma!!! At first luckily enough I can fend him off with my flippers, although I am breathing really fast cause he is circling around below me. So I fight hard to keep him in my line of sight to perry his attacks. But then this seeming dumb vivicous fish, swims up and starts his brutal attack from above! Now I am really freaked, I don’t have a knife so I start swinging my arms. But then it dawns on me that this is a bad idea cause those teeth would do a number on my arms. It feels like this has been going on for awhile now, my watch starts beeping at me cause I am going up too fast. I look at it and it says that I am at 7m. Wow all the heavy breathing has made me go up 21feet!! This damn thing is still chasing me. I look over near the islands and see the other DMT’s staring at me and waving me to come to them. I thought this was a brilliant idea, even though I am sure those bastards where laughing like crazy at me, if I move further away from the Trigger Fishes territory then I should be safe. So I swim like mad towards the group with this evil evil thing still biting at my fins. I make it back to the group. Luckily the most experienced diver diverts the attention of the fish so I can control my breathing. Now this guy looks like he is fending off a little kitten, he is laying on his back occassionally waving his fins at the big bad fish. In my defense though I think I tired him out!! I check my air and realize I used about a quarter of it fighting off this damn fish. I guess I know which in the group is going to run out of air first, yep me again!!! I did learn later that the Trigger Fish aren’t really agile in the water so you don’t have to move to much to protect yourself. Yep information that would have been handy an hour ago!!! I am so going to get a spear gun, go back there and take on that bloody fish again!! Thankfully though I did better with my air consumption on the next dive, thankfully no rabid trigger fish on that one. Bloody Fish!!! Luckily though Trigger fish are more aggressive than Sharks, otherwise I might cut short my diving adventure!
At least now we are assisting an instructor in the pool teaching Open Water students, I think I should be safe today!
Maryanne Here.. Well I guess karma is going to get me. cuz sure enough I was the one on the side lines laughing my butt off at Jared getting attacked by the Trigger fish. I wish I had a video camera so you all could watch and laugh. Well we must be off. Students are waiting for me and Jared to show them how this stuff is done!
Tags: Thailand
…I laughed so hard I nearly pee’d myself!!!!
That’s funny. Although I have to admit the thought of an angry triggerfish while diving is scarier then the thought of sharks. The sharks at least leave you alone.
i thought it was maryanne being attacked and was sympathising…but then when i relised it was jared i had the same reaction as jade!
Thanks Travis! At least someone feels bad for me! LOL
WOW…ohh man thank you for the laugh I really needed that, thanks J… I needed something to post on the ITT Bulletin for next month lmao lmao.. j/k man I wouldnt do that to you tho.. 🙂 I thought it was Maryanne too with all the controling of the breathing, but of course that wasnt as funny lol.. 🙂