A New Fan
Jared and I bought a fan last night for our room. WOW what a difference that made. I got a really good night sleep last night. I even got a little cold. Crazy huh. The fan that was in the room was just a small standing fan. We had to put it on a chair just so we could feel it when we were in bed. But it was not that big and did not give much of a breeze. But now we bought a proper stand up fan that really works.. It was nice. Then again what do you expect for $150 a month!
Today we went for a dive and we saw the biggest Stingray I have ever seen outside an aquarium that is. It was probably about 2 maybe 2 1/2 meters wide. We also got to see some big Grouper and Giant Puffer fish. What a day! Well worth getting up at 630 for.
The other night all the DMTs and IDCs students (Dive Master and Instructor trainees) got together for some bowling. You have never been bowling like this before. When you knock down your pins a guy at the end of your lane picks them up and puts that back on for you. They even cheat alittle and move the pin around to help you out.. 🙂 I wonder if this is what the bowling alleys use to look like. We will have to take a picture of it for you guys to see. And we all do this bare foot. Can you believe we even go grocery shopping barefoot! We are quite crap about bring our camera with us when we go out. 🙁
Jared here – Okay for all of you who were wondering, we love our new dive watches, compass and fins. Boy do they come in handy. Mine even shows a graph of the dives I do. It logs the depth every 20 secs so I can see how long we are at certain depths when doing multi-level dives. It is amazing!!
So we have several new dive partners now, but two in particular that we had our Rescue Course with. Ryan and Caroline, very nice people. Although with Ryan being Scottish his accent sometimes gets me just smiling and nodding. Malcolm you remember how I used to look at you when you talked. Yep same thing. Man and I thought I was getting so good at understanding English with accents. Oh well guess I still need Maryanne to translate! Caroline’s accent isn’t too bad but to hear her say “Diver Diver, I am a Rescue Diver, inflate your BCD” now that is just cute. Then again she is French, but speaks english sometimes with a Scottish accent. So weird huh!! Any divers are such cool people!!
We are at 19 dives, almost feel like a pro! We did have to do a skill test and swim though recently, man was the swimming long. The skill test we had to basically do all the skills the people getting there Open Water Cert have to do, but we have to do it as if we were demonstrating it to them! That was a bit different, but again we are pros so it was pretty easy.
Alright enough boring stuff, off to buy pillows! Yeah 150 doesnt get you nice pillows, this so isn’t the Ritz!!
Tags: Thailand
Sounds like you guys are having so much fun… 🙁 Doha freaking sucks right now, we have been in the middle of a sandstorm for like almost a week now WTF!!! Everything else is about the same.. Jeremy laft today… umm Kevin went on vacation today to the states for a couple weeks and left me in charge (yeah i know .. me??? lol), and thats about all, Daniel says hi BTW.. hope to hear from you guys soon 🙂
malc’s so happy that you mentioned him in your blog…bless!
no ac…r u 2 crazy…don’t answer that!
so glad it’s all going well for you.