BootsnAll Travel Network

war zones

Hola me amigos. I just flew from Kuwait over Iraqi airspace. Kuwait airport sux, but they gave me a free buffet lunch cause my flight was delayed 4 hrs, which I straightforthly plundered in a must abundant manner.

Bus ride 7 pm to 5 am. Show up in Bangkok, drink some coffee, eat some food, get on a plane at 3 am to Kuwait. get to England about 5:30 am the following day. Easy.

Right now I’m in London, but more importantly is the following:

Sometimes I like to say ‘nosferatu’ for absolutly no reason. ‘Nosferatu,’ I’ll say, knowing the ancient word hath no power over me. Mocking its power of old – ‘Nosferatu, ohhh , yes, nooosferatu, you are under my shoe, you creton.’ Inevitably this draws stares from the people at the busstop, train, dance, or gala event. Of course, if they step, I merely say ‘Draw you sword, knave!’ and if they fail to produce a sword, I consider them sorely beaten – my generosity alone prevailing them their life -a life of tremendous dishonour, no less. Put on a hat, Jack! next paragraph.

Little Birdy, little birdy, sitting on a ledge
you build your home of twigs and branches
nestled in a hedge
When will you learn to clear your throat
before you sing your tune
and fly for winter ‘ere the frost
seals you to your tomb.

I contend heartily that I am of sound mind and body. I can without delay tell you that Amman is the capital of Jordan, and that The Tempest is usually considered Shakespeare’s last play, although Henry VIII was completed later. (it is thought ot have been in collaoration with Fletcher and Beaumont). That crazy Shakespeare! That crazy shaky, speary soul! Oh how I long to propel one of his shaky spears into some foul watery menace, forever casting it back to the shadowy depths from whence it came.

Right then, onto Southern Spain. Viva Espange. Cheerio and all that.

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5 Responses to “war zones”

  1. Erik Says:

    Oi Ryan…
    Your journal gets more intricate and exciting with each new passage… how i long to be where you are or where you’ve been… i’d take either as i stew in the disdain for the routine i’ve returned to… these cubicle walls get no wider and i fear the need for fast escape will arise in me soon… only thwarted by the vast emptiness in my wallet, that may not be a strong enough hold for long… good travels kind sir… may the wind bring you safely upon my doorstep again…
    Sir Erik

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. steve Says:

    Nosferatu to you too…

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Tony Says:

    Yo Ryan, I love reading about your trip, it sounds all so amazing. I can’t wait to hear the stories when you get back. Stay safe and sound.
    Tony S.

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. kuwait Says:


    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

  8. Posted from United States United States
  9. kuwait air Says:

    kuwait air

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

  10. Posted from United States United States

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