Archive for the 'Vietnam' Category
Wednesday, January 25th, 2006VIETNAM
Now that I’m finally out of Vietnam, I can wear the t-shirt…
#1 Rule – You can’t wear the t-shirt of the country you’re in while you’re there… its like wearing the band t-shirt to the concert…
So, I’m back in Southern Thailand after a long trip through Cambodia, then 2 Weeks through Vietnam. It was intensely sweet to be with Myra ( and Marjos) for all that time. Now I’m alone again, but on the beach in S. Thailand, so not all is lost…
I can now be a complete scumbag though since I am no longer travelling in the company of beautiful women. So thats a relief. No more shaving. Bring on the beard.
I’ll write about what happened in Vietnam later, I just spent an hour uploading the photos…