Flu Shots
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007Would you like to inject a filthy disease directly into your bloodstream?
If so, I encourage you to get the flu shot this season.
If, however, you would like to abstain from piercing your veins and mingling synthetic preservatives into your lifeblood then I suggest you skip the old flu shot this time around.
Why anyone would want to inject themselves with disease is beyond me at this point in time. I was however, a former flu shotter, I bought into the medical and social hype about the “deadly winter flu” and did indeed pump these filthy chemicals into my body. By good fortune in my later years I experienced the revelation that brought the fallacies of this primitive practice to light.
I understand there is a mass conditioning going on that tells us all that flu shots are good for us and therefore this message might meet some resistance and be hard to swallow, but what you have to realize is that you shouldn’t always accept mass marketed hype as the gospel truth. Most people blindly accept the rhetoric that flu shots are supposedly good for you, but how many people have actually questioned this line of thinking, and how many have actually looked into the truth behind what the mainstream medical community would have us believe.
There is no reason I am going to blindly let someone inject some filthy disease ridden chemicals into my body. Why in my right mind would I do that? The whole psychology is fear-based. I am not scared of the flu. I will destroy the flu.
Well, first of all, I probably won’t even get the flu. I’m certainly not going to pollute my blood with disease for the off chance that I may get the flu. In the off chance I do get the flu, I’ll rely on that time honored system referred to as the “immune system.” That’ll do the job.
So, besides the obvious is the inadequacy of the whole system imposed by the Center for Disease Control. How is the flu shot made? The CDC makes an educated guess as to the strain of flu that is going to be around next year. They then set the scientists to work to develop these diseases and if I am correct somewhere in the process of development they are either grown on or filtered through live tissue that may or may not even be human tissue. Doesn’t sound like something I want syringed into my bloodstream.
So, the CDC makes its educated guess, which may or may not be right, then releases this on the public. The very nature of virus itself further screws up the whole plan by its frequent mutations. Even if the CDC guesses right, the virus may well mutate to a different form that what was put out therefore rendering the vaccinations worthless.
Don’t buy into the rhetoric of mainstream medicine whose only solutions to the problems we have are to cut, burn, or drug us. People in the future are going to look back on our culture and laugh at what primitive systems we employed to cure ourselves. Preventative care is the way forward.
So, in light of the above I reccomend you remove yourself from the huddled masses crammed into the openings of their local GIANT supermarkets nervously awaiting some undertrained and underpaid psuedo-nurse to jab toxic chemicals into their veins like a pack of frightened lab rats. But hey, its free right?