BootsnAll Travel Network

God Save The Queen

I pulled up to Westminster Abbey right as the police escorts were bringing out Prince Charles and the Queen of England.

Queen of England

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2 Responses to “God Save The Queen”

  1. steve Says:

    should have thrown a rock… then ran like hell, straight to Scotland, where you would have had to hole up in some small village where they would feed you whiskey and haggis until it would be safe to return to the outside. by then you would be a strapping bloke ready to take on the Queen’s army who has been hunting you down for some time due to said rock.

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. melissa Says:

    what a shot! unintentionally framed by onlookers and guardsmen, and the pose! woo ryan! this picture is great.

    i agree with steve. you definately should have thrown a rock and created mass chaos. but this fantastic picture is a nice consolation.

  4. Posted from United States United States

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