BootsnAll Travel Network

Ko Phan Nang Tattoo

The roads on Ko Phan Nang are crazy. Even the main road is a dangerous roller coaster ride. You constantly see people wrapped up in white cloth from bike accidents. I saw 3 in the 7 days I was there, plus the guy across the way from me had his nose, the side of his face, his arm, wrist, and leg all bandaged up from a fall the night before I left. People call it the ‘Ko Phan Nang Tattoo.’

Luckily, all I got was a small burn on my leg from my dirtbike’s exhaust pipe. I’ve rode scooters and all before, but not a real motorcycle/dirtbike, but I just got thrown into it. Its pretty easy once you catch on to it. We rode straight across the island, the inland roads being more like rock/gravel/mud hills, so you needed a decent dirtbike to get around. We passed plenty of people on the regular shitty little scooters stuck midway up/down a hill.

motorbikes in Had Rin and Thong Sala

Oh, and check out the GAS STATION…

Ko Phan Nang Gas Station

The road to Had Rin, where the legendary Full Moon Party takes place is a up and down roller coaster with huge hills. Fucking great to ride. But definitely not drunk. Bad idea. We saw some guy flying by us on our way to dinner at a cliffside restaurant. We were in the back of a pickup truck and this guy flys by . Everyone is like ‘holy shit, that guys nuts.’ Then about 2 minutes later I’m like ‘oh, there he is in the ditch.’ The guy lost it and as we stopped the truck to run back and see what happned, I was expecting some serious carnage. Blood and limbs , mabye tie off a turniquet or something. Luckily I had learned this things from the only book I brought on my trip, which is a survival manual written by some nutty ex military guy. So, anyway, I’m ready to salvage bodies, but they weren’t badly hurt. I was with Becky and her parents, so Becky and I help the guy get his bike out of the ditch (French guy..) and he just kinda laughs it off like a dick, when he just almost killed himself and his girlfriend (more importantly). Just then Mike, Becky’s dad, runs up. (Mike is the man and runs a search and rescue team of the coast of British Columbia where he co-ordinates search patterns in a 25 foot Zodiac with twin 200 Hp engines). So, Mike runs up, and he is PISSED. He calls the guy an asshole and tells him to slow down and that he almost killed his girlfriend. The guy just laughs, so Mike socks him in the face. Well, actually, first he asks him ‘do u want this in your face’? and then when the guy continues to laugh, Mike socks him and we all go back in the truck and drive off to dinner.

Anyway, then breakfast the next morning, we see 2 chicks collide bikes right in front of the coffee shop. The one chick is pretty small and gets fucked up, her head smacks the ground and she is bleeding profusely from the head. So, after she sits there for a minute, bleeding all over the street, they put her in a truck and take her off, but not before I run up to make sure I dont have to tie off any turniquets, per the survival handbook instructions. If u tie a turniquet, its a last chance move, and you could lose a limb. Unfortuantly I was of no assistance, since I completely forgot the chapter on Head Injuries. I do however think I could tie a half hitch, or a bowline knot, but we weren’t building rafts or securing anything together, just some petite European chick bleeding all over the tarmac, so I was pretty useless. Maybe next time.

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