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Laura–Our Angel!

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Steve’s sister Laura has graciously agreed to be our home contact (or Angel as one travel book called it) while we travel. She will be responsible for various tasks such as collecting our mail–opening important looking things and recycling all of our junk mail, paying our credit card bill, transferring money from our ING account to our bank accounts, holding a copy of our important documents and photos/receipts for our travel insurance, being our one main contact if something bad happens–she’ll contact the rest of Steve’s family and Gina’s family in case of an emergency, and various other things that I’m forgetting.

The main thing she’s going to help us with is the banking stuff. I’ve read that it’s unsafe to check bank accounts online at internet cafes while traveling because the internet cafe workers are bored and underpaid, a dangerous pairing that often leads to stolen information and money. So, just to be safe, we’re not going to check our bank accounts while we’re gone. We completely trust Laura with our information and our money (honesty and responsibility being the two most important characteristics for a home contact, I’d say).

A billion thanks to Laura. We’ll buy you something pretty along the way, and we’ll miss you and the family.

Our First Goodbye–Joe comes to SF (92 days to go)

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

My very good friend Joe (yes that same handsome fellow who traveled with me through Europe when I met Steve) came to visit us last week. We had a good time running around San Francisco (we probably walked about 8 miles one day which is amazing in a city that is only 7 miles long and 7 miles wide) and going on a road trip down the coast to Santa Barbara (where we checked out the university and Joe jumped on a Greyhound bus to LA). I had lots of fun eating good food and visiting with Joe (whom I hadn’t seen for over a year). But I realized that seeing Joe was officially my first goodbye before the trip. He lives in Austin, TX so I won’t see him again before we leave. In honor of this milestone (and sort of just as an excuse), I’d like to introduce Steve’s dad’s smugmug account which he has graciously allowed us to use to post our photos during our trip. So, check out the photos of our goodbye trip with Joe at:

And I’ll do my best to upload the hundreds (if not thousands) of pictures I’ll take over the next year of traveling. And you’ll have to excuse the fact that they probably won’t be at all edited (so bunches of pictures of the same thing) or most likely turned the right way. Thus is the internet cafe life, my friends.

joe, me, steve