Steve is a College Graduate! Well, sort of…
Saturday was Steve’s graduation. But for some odd reason, UC Berkeley, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that it’s best to hold their Fall convocation ceremony before the students are actually done with classes. So, Saturday Steve “graduated,” and today (Monday) is his last day of classes; tomorrow he has two finals, and next Monday he turns in his last assignment and is officially a college graduate. Sort of sad for Steve in that he had to go through the whole ceremony without the elated feelings of both never having to write a paper or take a test ever again if he doesn’t choose to do so and of being officially free from school. Oh well. We still had fun! And I found out that I can find my boyfriend in a crowd of people who are all dressed the same in a dimly lit auditorium.
Me and Steve
Gary, Becca, Steve, and Genie
Tags: About Steve and Gina
Wish we had been there! Yeah Stephen!!!!