Smelly and tired but at least my tummy’s full
Beijing, China.
We just arrived back in Beijing after 28 hours of traveling from Mongolia. The trip back was pretty uneventful except that we didn’t really eat a meal all day today (just bread, cheese, pickles and other snacks) until after we’d checked into our old hostel in Beijing when we went back to our favorite little restaurant down the alley around 9 p.m. It was a long couple of days of carrying heavy backpacks. I’m gald to be back in China, even though I really loved Mongolia. I have lots to tell about our trip to the Mongolian countryside, but the shower and the bed are calling to me, so it’ll have to wait until later. I’ll try to fit it in tomorrow, but we’re going to try to head out to Shanghai tomorrow as well (if we can get a train). We’ve come up with a plan for China between now and the beginning of November when we go to Guilin to volunteer. We’re basically doing the same stuff as we were going to before, but we’ve found that it’ll save a lot of travel time (and probably money) if we shift the order a bit. But more on that later as well…
Tags: China
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