Making Moola (42 days to go!)
We have been busy, busy, busy the last month trying to get all of our ducks in a row before we depart. Even though we have 42 days until we fly away to Peru (42 days! Wow!) there’s only (quick calculation…) 22 days until I fly to the East coast to visit my family and friends. We need to get everything figured out before then. That’s not a lot of time.
But on the bright side we’ve gotten everything pretty much figured out or almost figured out. We finished buying all of the odds and ends for our trip (I hope!); we’re working on finding new roommates to take over the room in our shared house; we had a yard sale this past weekend where we sold almost all of our stuff; and we’re finalizing our travel insurance decision (I’ll write about travel insurance later on).
The yard sale was a big success. We made $360!! (Well, $81 of it was from selling books to a local used book store–we love you Moe’s.) Who would’ve known that our crap was worth so much money. Especially since most of it was hand-me-downs or free stuff we found on craigslist or on the curb. It was fun having a yard sale, too. We met a lot of the people in the neighborhood and got some good tips on places to see or hostels to stay in. It’s amazing how many people have traveled to places we’re going–and how many of them live so near to us. I’m starting to think that a yard sale is a good way to meet the neighbors. Maybe people should have one when they move in instead of when they move out. But I guess then you’d have to cart stuff that you want to sell. So maybe a moving in cookie stand is a better way to go. I’ll keep it in mind for when we get back to the states and find a new place. Or most likely I’ll completely forget about it by then since I’ll have had an amazing adventure that will probably be in the front of my thoughts.
Tags: Pre-Trip Planning
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