Back in California (2 days to go!)
I just got back to California last night after spending two weeks of visiting my friends and family in Alabama and Pennsylvania. It was great to see everyone, so I’m really glad that I went. But now I’m pooped, and I have a whole list of things to get done before Monday night when we fly away!
I really can’t believe that there are only two days before we go. To be honest, I’m a little freaked out. I’m sure we’ll get everything on our list done (they’re little things and reminders, nothing major). But I still feel really overwhelmed. Actually, I feel so overwhelmed, that I don’t want to think about it anymore. I’m just going to get busy checking things off of the list.
I’ve uploaded photos of my family (a lot of my niece, Sophia) onto our smugmug page (see link on right sidebar under “Trip photos”).
Here’s some of the last minute things we’re doing:
- Informing our banks/credit card companies that we’ll be leaving the country and what countries we’ll be visiting. This way they won’t think our cards have been stolen and so they won’t block our cards.
- Last minute checks with Laura, our home contact, to make sure that she can access all of our accounts and that she doesn’t have any questions before we go.
- Repack/organize our back packs. I got a few things while I was in Pennsylvania–pocket knives from my dad (including a really cool pocket knife kit that’s the size of a credit card adn has scissors, a blade, toothpick, and other gadgets in it), Nana made us sleep sacks (thanks Nan!), an extra memory card for my camera, and other odds and ends I can’t think of right now. I feel like we’ve packed and repacked our bags a hundred times, but we need to do it again (and maybe another time on Monday just to be safe!).
- Wash clothes.
- Organize all of our important documents that we need to take with us–including a little first aid/malady packet Steve put together for us. He found the symptoms and treatments for possible bugs we might catch while we travel, so that we can try to self-diagnose or get to a hospital pronto if we need to.
- Put daily budget information into the little pocket organizer I’m taking. I’m going to use the date blocks in the organizer to write down how much we spend each day and on what. That way we can keep up with our spending and make sure that we’re staying within our budget.
Well, I’d better hop to it. Steve’s family is throwing a going away party for us tomorrow, so we have today and Monday to get everything squared away. Wish us luck!
Tags: Pre-Trip Planning
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