BootsnAll Travel Network

Singapore…Woo Hoo!

So i arrived in Singpore yesterday at about 4:30 in the A.M. I was very tired but extremely excited. I couldn’t wait to walk off the plane to see what types of exotic asian shops and people would greet me. Ok, so it ended up being a Starbucks and a Burger King, but they still felt exotic. When i stepped outside at this hour of the morning it was still absolutely stifling. The humidity here is something i’ve never felt before, very impressive. So I arrived at the hostel dropped my things and decided to take a jaunt out to the Nature Reserve. Singapore is one of the only places in the world that has primary rainforest within it’s city limits. Now it’s not within the skyscrapers it’s outside of town but it’s a really beautiful place. I went so i could see the monkey’s. So i arrived and hiked all through the trails at the rainforest and didn’t see any freaking monkey’s…what the hell? It was so freaking hot so i had to leave and get back home or i thought i was going to die. So i walked through the parking lot and just as i was about to leave i turned and saw a bunch of them jumping all over cars, it was crazy. There was probably about 50 or so of them and they were having the greatest time. There are signs everywhere that say “dont feed the mokey’s.” So i’m guessing the one monkey i saw eating an ice cream cone must have gotten it off a tree? Anyway, it was pretty spectacular. I’m off to explore, bye for now.!

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