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Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005

3 August
I’m trapped in Victoria, which is annoying but not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t get on the Moose tour back to Vancouver until Mon so I’m just hanging around here walking around the beautiful park and harbour and going to the movies. I’ve decided to go back to Vancouver and get some work and live out in the suburbs with Hillary (NZ friend, my first ever roommate in Vancouver). She’s a very mature 21 and I’m a very immature 31, so we meet quite nicely in the middle.

It was strange here at first without Richard across the room farting and lolling around with no shirt on, but I’m getting used to it now. I moved to a different room but new one has a broken lock so I was locked in (desperate for the loo) for an hour yesterday whilst half the hostel staff tried to get me out with bolt cutters. People in my room are nice but one of them goes to bed at 9.30pm, so I always have to stumble around in the dark. Plus he does little gasps all night as if he has a girl in bed with him, which is quite disconcerting. My cough’s sounding worse and worse, I sound like I have a 40-a-day fag habit.


Monday, August 1st, 2005

Went to see Wedding Crashers last night, which I thought was absolute drivel, although the rest of the auditorium were rolling around in the aisles from the moment the lights dimmed, so clearly I’m in a minority. I have to say I like Owen Wilson, even though he has a big nose. Popcorn was above average until I made mistake of heaping cheap cholesterol-friendly margarine on it instead of butter. I really must stop going for the cheap option all the time. Popcorn is a very important part of the cinema experience (possibly even more so than the film in my opinion) and not to be trifled with.

Another glorious day in Victoria today. Only a few more days left and then home to the UK. Feelings on this? None really. I’m so weak and full of cold I feel like I’ve been sedated. I can’t even be bothered to do my washing even though I’ve been wearing the same pair of socks for a week.

The drug dealer in my room keeps making inappropriate comments to me so I told him his behaviour was bordering on sexual harrassment and got reception to move me elsewhere. I’m a tough cookie these days.

Today is BC Day. I don’t know what this means, but it involves fireworks. There’s also a Latin Carribbean festival on in town with people learning to salsa and merangue out in the street. I quite want a boyfriend at the moment, unusually. Someone who”ll learn to salsa with me and who’ll go on a big long trip across the world in a luxury winnebago (I can’t drive so he’d have to drive).

I’m addicted to glazed donuts from the Seven-Eleven. In fact I’m going to have one this very minute. Tonight I’m going to see ‘Cannibal! The Musical.’

Feeling blue

Sunday, July 31st, 2005
Feeling a bit blue today as Richard left this morning after hanging out with me pretty much constantly for last five days. At the end we were treating eachother with lack of respect and level of abuse one would expect ... [Continue reading this entry]

Whales & stuff

Friday, July 29th, 2005
Just dragged my carcass out of bed to get a bit of fresh air as there are six people in our tiny room and it's all a bit smelly and unpleasant (I, of course, always smell like a rose garden ... [Continue reading this entry]

Just a quickie

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Spent the day in New Age shop and vegetarian restaurant with very spiritual roommate Richard (26, from West Country). The veggie life is not for me and I pretty much just ate some grated carrot and a couple of slices ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
I'm in Victoria and getting another bloody cold, I can't believe it! Victoria is lovely. Reminds me of Scarborough (but a bit better, plus sea is blue rather than brown). After agonising over whether to stay in Vancouver or leave, ... [Continue reading this entry]