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Archive for July, 2005

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Feeling blue

Sunday, July 31st, 2005

Feeling a bit blue today as Richard left this morning after hanging out with me pretty much constantly for last five days. At the end we were treating eachother with lack of respect and level of abuse one would expect from a long-time friend. Still can’t get used to meeting really nice people only to go separate ways and never see eachother again.


Anyhoo. I have a sherbet fountain in my room so all is not lost. And I was feeling blue over some other guy who left about an hour before I met Richard, so I daresay I’ll get over it. And on the positive side he did cost me a fortune galavanting off whale-watching and having my tarot cards read and going (last night) to a Greek restaurant. Today I can go back to eating at Pita Pit and McDonalds and obsessing about my finances like I was before.

Richard? Never heard of him.

Whales & stuff

Friday, July 29th, 2005

Just dragged my carcass out of bed to get a bit of fresh air as there are six people in our tiny room and it’s all a bit smelly and unpleasant (I, of course, always smell like a rose garden in full bloom, but other people can be a bit wiffy). Richard has been diving and is now slobbing in bed, so thought I’d give him a break from my coughing and wheezing for a bit.

Day before yesterday we went whalewatching. It was v windy so spent the entire three hour high-speed boat trip feeling like my face was being pummelled by hundreds of tiny fists. Plus I had to wear bright yellow padded jump-suit which made me look like a strange cross between an astronaut and a banana. Saw the back end of various whales as they disappeared under the water, which was nice. There was also a microphone under the boat so we could hear them nattering to eachother as they moved along. In the evening, we had genuine British fish and chips and a couple of pints.

Yesterday I just pottered around job-hunting, then had a couple of pints in the bar downstairs with R. In fact I had three pints and didn’t get up today until 4pm. I haven’t had a hangover in months. There’s a loony woman in ther bed above me who must be in her sixties and seems surprised that she keeps getting escorted out of every country she visits. Next she’s going to be a shepherd to “real sheep!” in one of the Scottish islands. Other roomie (apart from R) is a hippie stoner guy with massive hair who keeps trying to chat me up even though he’s seen me do nothing since I’ve been here but lie in bed coughing and spluttering , so he must be really desperate.

My fringe is just starting to recover from the trauma of last week’s fringe/eyebrow disaster. I’ve been looking pretty bad lately so decided to treat myself to having my fringe cut and eyebrows threaded before I left Vancouver. Went into a shop and a mad Iranian woman cut all my fringe off, then passed me on to another Iranian woman to have my eyebrows threaded. This took about half an hour and was 90% tweezing; she only got the thread out occasionally to remove various bits of hair she seemed to think were a problem at the top of my forhead. She tweezed crazily until my eyebrows were a completely different shape and almost exactly resembled her own rather dramatic jet-black pair. At one point I felt her surrepticiously pencil a bit in, so she’d clearly removed all traces of brow I may have once had in that area. I don’t have alot of luck with my brows. Before I went to NY in 2001 someone tweezed my eyebrows clean off practically and I had to draw them in for the next two months. So anyway, the upshot is that instead of looking foxy with Liz Hurley-esque eyebrows, I now have the brows of a middle-aged Iranian woman.

Job-hunting’s a no go so it’s back to the original plan which is to stay here a couple more weeks then go home for a bit and hopefully spend September onwards on the Isles of Scilly, saving up for my next trip – January and half of February in New Zealand and Fiji. Woohoo!

The back end of a whale!

Just a quickie

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Spent the day in New Age shop and vegetarian restaurant with very spiritual roommate Richard (26, from West Country). The veggie life is not for me and I pretty much just ate some grated carrot and a couple of slices ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
I'm in Victoria and getting another bloody cold, I can't believe it! Victoria is lovely. Reminds me of Scarborough (but a bit better, plus sea is blue rather than brown). After agonising over whether to stay in Vancouver or leave, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Facial hair

Friday, July 15th, 2005
I've had a facial hair related disaster. I've been looking pretty bad lately so decided to treat myself to having my fringe cut and eyebrows threaded. Went into a shop and a mad Iranian woman cut all my fringe off, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Amazing Things

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005
I did an amazing thing today. In fact, two amazing things (for me). I got up at 8.30 (am!) for breakfast. Then, instead of going back to bed, I called my temp agency and asked if they had any last ... [Continue reading this entry]

Extreme Fishing

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005
This is 11/7, so why it says 12/7 I have no idea. It has a mind of it's own. Applied for a job at an 'Extreme Fishing' resort. I also applied for a job on a cruise ship. I'm ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, July 9th, 2005
Just killing time before heading off for a walk around the sea wall. I was going to see 'An Evening with Kevin Smith' tonight, but just found out I have one pound forty-eight in my bank account. Plus ... [Continue reading this entry]

Human again

Saturday, July 9th, 2005
Eek. People are commenting on my blog, which leads me to believe someone is reading it other than my friend Deb. It's odd that people can find it since I can't even find it most of the time. Today ... [Continue reading this entry]

Canada Day

Saturday, July 2nd, 2005
Yesterday was Canada Day and everyone was out getting walloped except me, who was stuck in bed the whole day with a cold. Only left my pit to shuffle down the corridor to the bathroom, feeling - and probably looking ... [Continue reading this entry]