I’m in Victoria and getting another bloody cold, I can’t believe it! Victoria is lovely. Reminds me of Scarborough (but a bit better, plus sea is blue rather than brown). After agonising over whether to stay in Vancouver or leave, I agonised over whether to stay in Tofino and now I’m agonising over whether to stay in Victoria. My head is about to explode, I think this is why I’m so congested.
Spent a lovely few days in Tofino. Went to a nearby small-town carnival thing and watched the Canadian logging championships. This involved lots of logs being sawn in various ways – with axes, saws, chainsaws (excitingly!) and from various positions. Lots of woodchips and testosterone flying around. I ate a double bag of candy floss. Also a pet contest (‘on lead or in cage’ ; someone brought a log on a lead last year) and a pudding eating contest.
On the last night, Constanze (a German girl from the tour) and I went to the floathouse of the local bus driver for dinner, which was lovely. My new ambition in life is to own a floathouse. Dean (from Wigan/Falmouth, also on the tour) and I have been looking at floathouses around Victoria harbour today, but apparently the mooring fees are huge so it’s best to buy a boat. I’ve decided that considering I can’t stay put in one place for five minutes, I need a house that moves. So a boat is the plan. Or a trailer, so I can be trailer-park trash.
I’ve decided to stay here. Nothing at all to do with the fact that I just found an English sweet shop which sells sherbet lemons and sherbet fountains & stuff. I’ll write more soon.
Tags: Victoria
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