BootsnAll Travel Network

Home sweet home

Aug 24th
Just a quickie to say I’m back. I’m jetlagged up to the eyeballs. Went to bed at 11pm on Mon night and got up at 5.33pm yesterday. My maths skills aren’t up to working out how many hours sleep that is, but it’s a lot! Then I fell asleep at 7am this morning and slept til the afternoon. So now I’m nocturnal.
Journey was long but fine. 8 hours to Glasgow, then a four hour wait for my train which took 4 and a half hours. So it was very very long. Since I’ve been back I’ve only watched one TV prog and that was Emmerdale. I’m determined not to go back to watching every piece of mindless pap that appears before me, but to spend my time in useful pursuits like reading and planning my next step and other stuff like that…
Incidentally, the weather here is terrible! Not that I’ve set foot out of the house all day, but I can see it’s very grey and dreary. I fear for my tan.


One response to “Home sweet home”

  1. Elin says:

    Hey there,

    Say “Hi” to everyone on Scilly! Great to rad about your adventures in Canada – are you planning to go back, or just bum around dready UK?

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