BootsnAll Travel Network

Work Work Work

Aug 10
Sitting here on a temp job for Pacific Vehicle Testing Technologies in Vancouver. It’s the usual story – I have nothing to do except cover the receptionist whilst she goes on her breaks and in this case nothing to do even then. Yesterday I took one call and managed to fluff it and cut the person off. Having said that, I have stuffed a variety of different sized papers into both A4 and A5 envelopes, so it hasn’t all been easy.

Had a lovely weekend at Jericho beach hostel, 20 mins out of downtown. It’s an old army barracks (and about as cosy) but very sociable. A nice man shared his packet macaroni cheese with me and another guy helped me carry my bags to the bus stop. Everyone was very excited about the fireworks grand finale of the Festival of Light on Saturday but I missed it. I got so lost trying to get the bus back to Jericho from downtown that by the time I grabbed a beer and stumbled into the hostel garden, all I could see were a few puffs of smoke. I had missed the climax by about 3 seconds. And because the barman had to come in from the garden to serve me, I made sure he missed it aswell. Made it up to him later by letting him serenade me with a medley of Beatles hits on his guitar.

I feel very tired because I’m staying in a house of Christians and keep getting into lengthy theological debates which go on til 2am. Tonight I’m going to a testimonial meeting of the ‘Church of Christ, Scientist’ to check it out. I was going to check out Scientology until I realised they believe that all our bodies have been taken over by aliens.


4 responses to “Work Work Work”

  1. Diamonddille says:

    If Someone told me that, I wouldn’t want to be either, But where did you get that idea? I am a Scientologist of over 30 years, I know what it is , I know what it is not.I can tell you with total certaintly, that if you knew what Scientology was, you would be involved. We are using less than 10% of our mind. When you fix the mind, you regain the other 90% of Your abilities. Scientology has the technology to fix the human mind, who ever doesn’t want that, I think needs some fixing. When you discover the truth of you, you are on the path of the greatest adventure imaginable. The truth of existence will never be written in a book. One at current society level can’t have the truth. Those truths are released as you can have them. Taken out of context, they sound like Science Fiction. If you want to really know the truth of existence, you have to find out who you really are. You are really a spiritual being, so is God. Where do you think your abilities are headed, as you discover the truths of you? You have a greater potential than you have ever been lead to believe. Look at how the world is headed, your going to need these abilities to just survive. Don’t Look, don’t survive. Only the able will. Scientology will increase your confidence of self which ups your abilities to be able to Be, Do and Have anything you want.The Losers always put down the winners, just expect that. What do you want to be? Listen to the winners and you will do no wrong. Listen to the losers you will stay the same. Only 5% are winners. For this planet to survive we have to raise the percentages. The losers make MLM’s look bad, (my word), word of mouth advertising is the best way to advertise , as a point. It’s amazing how the make right mechanism of the mind can make, one self right and everyone else or group wrong. Well we can all be Dead Wrong…This planet needs a new direction. Listen to the winners and we will all win… Listen to the disgruntled, they and that is insane. Scientology makes one sane, The insane can’t see.

  2. admin says:

    I do hope I didn’t offend you, I really assume only my family are reading this. I agree with most of what you are saying, that we use only 10% of our minds, and I’m interested in various belief systems eg Divine Science, Science of Mind, which share many of these views. However, I don’t want to start down a path which will lead me eventually to a belief in aliens etc (something I have read on the internet by former Scientologists). This website is quite off -putting – – plus I went into a Scientology centre and felt I was being pressurised into spending money. But thank you for your comments.

  3. Diamonddille says:

    Hi, I understand. The route to increased abilities, means increased knowledge. Want to play a piano, have to learn things that weren’t in your concept before. If you are truly growing the new concepts you run into, you will be able to have, remember it is the ability you want, and that unfortunately is going to have to require new concepts, to you. Thing introduced at your level will make sense, you at least see how it ties in. Someone giving you advanced level info won’t mean much, just the interpretation of you own imagination, same with the knowledge of life. Someone spreading out sequenced data obviously didn’t understand it and is making it a mockery, but it is all out of context and won’t mean much to any one except the one that is close to understanding that piece of Science fiction, at least to the one not there.The abilities are what you after, Man is operating at the level of man Still, That means he doesn’nt know the real truths. Those concepts won’t be in his conciousness. You are a Spiritual Being, Like God with incredible powers, The concepts you get to obtain these abilities, won’t be found in a book, they are found in the deep depts Of the Sub-concious. Understanding the mind will bring that to the surface, Your concepts will change, but so will your abilities. If you settle for contemporary knowledge, you will remain the same, as you know one by their fruits. Man is still Man. You can rise above that level, far above…

  4. crenshaw says:

    In case you notice this comment, don’t worry about hurting the feelings of Diamondille. He works for the cult of scientology, and if you search around, you will find he scours the internet looking for any reference to scientology and bashes anyone who says anything about it. This is the way scientology “handles” people. It’s their way or they high way or they will bury you in words.

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