BootsnAll Travel Network

T minus 7

Aug 13
Aaaargh. For God’s sake! I just wrote a big long post and accidentally deleted it. I hate computers. Sitting with Hillary in internet cafe in Korean restaurant in roasting heat whilst strange food smells waft past my nose. More religious discussions last night til 3.30am, but suspect I may have been too challenging to one girl as she practically stalked off in a huff. Oops. Lots of churchy people visiting tonight for a video night. I’ll be very outnumbered so I’ll try hard to keep my trap shut for a change.

Finished my temp job yesterday and don’t feel as happy as I normally would. Have developed a minor crush on one of my co-workers who must be 40-odd at least. He’s from Manchester and drives a big red motorbike. But there’s really no point in thinking about it as I’ll never see him again. As usual.

So I’m off home in just over a week. Looking forward to luxuries like TV, a bath, sleeping in a bed which doesn’t have another bed attached to it or isn’t on someone’s floor, books, guitar, laptop, morning coffees, watery lager, etc etc (oh and my family, of course). I’ll be over this stuff within a fortnight, but I intend to make the most of it while it lasts. Looking forward also to heading to Isles of Scilly in a few weeks, but been checking out the webcam and it looks so dreary. Sea and sky both grey. It has til the middle of September to sort itself out as I have a tan to maintain.

Aug 14
So I totally failed to keep my questions to myself again and was challenging several people at once. Watched Napoleon Dynamite, which I have no opinion on except to say that it was bizarre. No idea whether it was good or awful. Slobbed on my mattress til 2.30 today after staying up til 4am. On Tuesday I’m going back to Whistler for a couple of days to have one last shot at being eaten by a bear before I leave for good. At least seeing one would be nice. I want to add to my count which currently stands at:
Mounties (1)
Mounties who in any way resemble Paul Gross from Due South (0)
Bears (2) (small fluffy ones on the roadside)
Scarey grizzly bears (0)
Moose (1) (in the dark / no antlers)
Not very impressive so far.

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