Went to see Wedding Crashers last night, which I thought was absolute drivel, although the rest of the auditorium were rolling around in the aisles from the moment the lights dimmed, so clearly I’m in a minority. I have to say I like Owen Wilson, even though he has a big nose. Popcorn was above average until I made mistake of heaping cheap cholesterol-friendly margarine on it instead of butter. I really must stop going for the cheap option all the time. Popcorn is a very important part of the cinema experience (possibly even more so than the film in my opinion) and not to be trifled with.
Another glorious day in Victoria today. Only a few more days left and then home to the UK. Feelings on this? None really. I’m so weak and full of cold I feel like I’ve been sedated. I can’t even be bothered to do my washing even though I’ve been wearing the same pair of socks for a week.
The drug dealer in my room keeps making inappropriate comments to me so I told him his behaviour was bordering on sexual harrassment and got reception to move me elsewhere. I’m a tough cookie these days.
Today is BC Day. I don’t know what this means, but it involves fireworks. There’s also a Latin Carribbean festival on in town with people learning to salsa and merangue out in the street. I quite want a boyfriend at the moment, unusually. Someone who”ll learn to salsa with me and who’ll go on a big long trip across the world in a luxury winnebago (I can’t drive so he’d have to drive).
I’m addicted to glazed donuts from the Seven-Eleven. In fact I’m going to have one this very minute. Tonight I’m going to see ‘Cannibal! The Musical.’
Tags: Victoria
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