Its has almost been a year since we had the greatest experince of our time. I miss New Zealand a lot and I think about it all the time. I hope that we are able to go back and relive the unbelievable journey again. Now, I am a freshman at Highland High School and on the Freshman football team. I play wide reciever and cornerback. Its been going good, but our first game got canceled because of really bad storms and we lost power for about 2 days from the storms. Then about a week later we lost it again for abour 5 hours. Before football, Timmy and I made the Highland 13 year – old All – Stars for basball. We made it to the State Tournament and made one of the Final Four teams out of 16 teams in the state of Indiana. Then we lost our next game and became the 4th best team in the state of Indiana.
My Uncle Max and his friend Sue are leaving for France, but Timmy and me aren’t able to go because of school. I hope they have a fun and safe trip in France. Sue, don’t let my uncle use all the money on himself. Have a fun trip.
When we were in New Zealand Timmy was the bigger twin and now I am the bigger twin and now we look alike. Timmy has been working out every night.
I hope Gandalf can safely guide two young hobbits through Middle-Earth Again Namarie
Your friend,
Tom A.
P.S. We have Spring break through March 17 – the 24th.
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