BootsnAll Travel Network

The Journey Begins

Hello My Friends,

Today we meet our fellowship, and we are so excited, we are meeting for dinner around 6 pm in the foyer of our hotel. Tomorrow Hobbiton and the rest, I can’t wait. We had some hrs to kill today so the boys played Tennis again and I wrote out some postcards, so the first batch are on the way. I wanted to take a walk to the lake, there is a huge lake called Lake Pupuke. I knew it was somewhere near our hotel, but we couldn’t see it from our window,, so I got a map from the concierge desk and we found it,, absolutely beautiful and huge. They have a beautiful walk that goes around the lake , I don’t know how big the lake is, but on the map it looks pretty big,, We walked down to the shore and there were the most beautiful birds. They looked like black swans. I don’t know if swans could be black, but these birds had all black plummage with very red beaks, I’ve never seen the like before. You will have to trust me because I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!!! Can you believe it. I broke the first and most important LAW of traveling. I wanted to jump in front of a bus, when I realized it. And the boys didn’t want to walk back to get it. I ‘m going to sleep with the camera from now on!!!!! plus my battery charger doesn’t want to work out here,, i’ll probably have to buy a new one,, tomorrow Hobbiton, and i’ll post more pics,,,
Namarie Max


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