Send out your Warg riders!!!!
Hello There,,
Today we went to the place where the Rohirram and the refugees from Edoras, ran into the Wargs of Isengard. Its up on a hill called Deer heights and it overlooks Queenstown, spectacular views, we took many, many pictures, Tomorrow we go horseback riding, and the Twins are guarenteed Horses that were in the movie, Vic arranged it,, How exciting,, its an 1 1/2 hr ride to places that took place in the movie, I can’t wait,,, Queenstown is so beautful, I think its the most beautiful town/city that I have ever been to. No kidding,, it’s nestled between 2 mtn ranges and by a beautiful lake,, and its warm here., we don’t need 3 layers of clothes,,, soon we will be leaving and heading home, I’m sad, I want to live here,, forever, I know I’ll definitely be coming back, probably next year, New Zealand is now my favorite place in the world,,,,,, Max
Tags: Travel
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