BootsnAll Travel Network

Middle Earth at Last !!!

Hello There,,

We did it! We made it in one piece. The ride over was terrible, long and uncomfortable, but we made it through unscathed. The entire trip took 18hrs,,, 4 hrs to San Francisco, 1 hr layover and then 13 hrs across the at pacific, Timmy had no trouble either eating or sleeping, nothing fazes that kid,, Flying to SF, wasn’t too bad, they offerd prairie home companion, which I enjoyed, very funny, and then a synopsis of Battlestar Galactica, how could you beat that. The trip across the pacific is another story,, we had seats 2nd to last, by the lavatories, and we were served dead last, I wasn’t happy about that. but you had free movies,, The boys watched 2 of the 3 lord of the rings movies. I watched the lake house, of course they pulled the plug on it with 5 minutes to go,, I was pissed!!! But i’m not really complaining,, seriously. I’m just being honest and sharing with my friends.
The Hotel is beautiful, its circular, not a bad view anywhere, we have 3 picture windows at different angles so we can see north east and south. and can see the bay, with a great view of the extinct volcano, i can’t remember the name of it nor can i pronounce it. quick story, we are going thru customs, and an old lady asked me what the reason for the trip was, I replied we are going on the lord of the rings tour, she asked me if that was a play or something???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she never heard of it,, I damn near passed out, i gave her such an incredulous look i think she got scared, she almost called security. I thought everyone here, would know about the movie,,, Anyway, Vic from the tour picked us up, very nice man. Tom Bombadil. I can’t wait to tell him thats what we are calling him. The Twins noticed he was wearing THE ONE RING , I didn’t notice it. Its nice to see that he has a love for the films as well. Auckland appears to be surrounded by water, I could be wrong, but every turn we made- we saw water, very beautiful. Money is an issue,, we laugh every time I have to pay for something, because they don’t have a dollar or 2 dollar bill, they use coins,, and I can’t tell the difference, so i pay everything with 10’s and 20’s,, oh well,, thats all for now, we are here for 2 more days, they are expecting rain thru the week , I hope it doesn’t rain when we actually start the tour on monday. Tuesday is hobbiton and I really want it to be sunny. Here is a link to some beach pics we took today,, Namarie Max


0 responses to “Middle Earth at Last !!!”

  1. sue says:

    you made it !!! fantastic !!!!
    i tried looking at your pics thru the link you provided and it did not work. hopefully on your next post it will work and we’ll get to see some great pictures. looking forward to it.
    have fun !! and get some great shots.

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