California-1st day
My first day was interesting. I landed in Burbank at 10:10 local time. Made it to my hotel which is across the street from the Airport about 10:45. And I was Bored !!!! I’m not used to traveling alone. I usually have 2 traveling companions following closely behind me and believe it or not it was a little disconcerting not having them around. I called my Friend John and let him know I arrived and he told me he was going to try and get out of work early. So I took a nap and waited. He unfortunately could not get out early and with traffic being really bad due to some bad windstorms and California fires, he didn’t get to me till around 6. With check in for the Convention starting at 8, we didn’t have time for too much. I asked him to take me to Hollywood, I wanted to see Chewbecca and Graumanns Chinese theatre, at least we could steal John Waynes foot prints (I love Lucy reference). But guess what, They were having a movie premiere there!! Traffic was horrible! We pulled up in front, and I started snapping pics like the papparazzi. I didn’t care who was there. I think I have a pic of Randy Spelling, hahahah, big star, and One of Rod Stewarts sons. John felt terrible, he told me, traffic usually isn’t this bad. Oh Well. We went back to my hotel so that I could sign up for a weekend pass, and guess what, They wouldn’t let me!! Claiming registration wasn’t until Friday. But They at least let John and I into the Convention so I could sign up for autographs and photo ops with my Favorite Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica Actors. ($325.00 ) And I got a few free gifts, so The night wasn’t a complete waste. John and I, had dinner at the Hotel Restaraunt and had a really nice chat. He hasn’t changed a bit. I’m still waiting for my house in the hills with a beautiful swimming pool. He promised that to me, when he moved out here 5 yrs ago. I told him that i’m only going to give him a couple of more yrs. Thats all for now. I’m preparing myself for some major time crunching. I feel this convention isn’t set up right. I’ll explain that latter.
Namarie Max
ps Don’t forget to link with my flickr page to see some pics,, !
Tags: Max
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