Cali 3rd Day
Star Trek extravaganza!!!! Stars, Stars and more stars!!! I met and took pics with 3 of my favorite Stars from the Star Trek series. Na Na Visitor, Robert Duncan Mcneill and Connor Trinneer. I was in Heaven. Except for bad scheduling on the handlers of This convention, It was a great day. These people were extremely gracious, funny and kind. They were very pacient with all these crazy and weird Trekkers. AndI consider myself one, but i’m not half as weird as these people. Unbelieveable. I had some very nice conversations with the stars and it was fantastic, A real Dream come true. I alslo meet with Wayne Pygram. He played Scorpius from another show I love, Farscape. John took me to Santa Monica Pier and there I meet with 1/2 of the Hippies , winners of last years Amazing Race. He was very funny and was nice enough to pse for a pic,, esp since he busted me sneaking a pic,, it was really funny, I think I embarrassed john,, He is not used to me Stalking famous people. ButI wasn’t done there,,, We drove down the beach to Famous Venice Beach. walked along the boardwalk and who do I see there? none other than Bill Paxton, of Aliens, frailty and Twister fame,, My camera was out of power at this time so I couldn’t get a pic. John was truely amazed, I told him i always meet famous people and now he believes me.
Don’t forget to check out the pics
Tags: Max
Ok..i don’t know anything about Star Trek and have no idea who half of these people are…but….then i saw it..THE WEASLEY TWINS! I would have freaked out..u know i love anything to do with Harry Potter.
Do you know why half the hippies and the producer of TAR were at the Pier? Were they filming????? or scoping out sites?