A word from Thomas
Well. . . Im back. Our journey through Middle – Earth has come to an end. I really miss waking up and seeing the mountains, sheep, and seeing Vic and Raewyn, and the tour group. Our journey was everything I dreamed it would be. I loved the entire journey especially meeting Bret Beadie, Daniel Reeve, Ian Brodie, Andrew Adamson, Chris Rutten, and most of all Vic and Raewyn. It was some much fun Horseback riding, climbing up Edoras in the rain and crossing the streams, going to all the sites because when you were there, it felt like you were part of the movie. I thought it was so awesome when we went to Gladden Fields our tour guide dressed up and when we went to Edoras our tour guide dressed up too. It was fun dressing up and re-enacting the scenes. This is a journey to remember for a life time. I thought it was great. The Vic and Raewyn gave us awards at our last night. I want to say, that my uncle is the greatest person in the world for succesfully guiding two hobbits through Middle – Earth. Namarie
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