The Trip
Hello There,,,
The trip is paid for ! As of today, the tour with relaxingjourneys is all paid for!!!! All that hard work and overtime has paid off. I can’t believe it. I have never worked so hard in my life. I had 3 months to come up with $12,000, and I did it with 1 month to spare! If I keep up this pace, I will double my normal salary. That is mind blowing to me. I never thought I could do it. But I did. It goes to show you, that if the will is there and with hard work, anything could be accomplished. I know this is only a vacation to some people, but to me and the boys, its a chance of a lifetime. When i looked at my last paycheck and knew that all my hard work was over, I cried. I had to get up and leave the room, I was overcome with emotion. I have never climbed a mountain this high or had so much pressure on me. I didn’t want to break the Boys hearts, if I failed. But it’s done,, and now I can enjoy the rest of the summer. And to look forward to actually going on the trip this Octber. Thanks to everyone who had some part to play in this saga, those who put up with me being crabby and short and tired all the time. And thanks to everyone who said a kind word of encouragement, It didn’t fall on Deaf Ears, Namarie Max
Tags: Max
The force is strong in your family.