Dressing Up
I’ve always have been into fantasy and action movies. The movie Star Wars was a great movie! When I saw Star Wars-Revenge of The Sith on Wednesday at 12:00 A.M., I was really excited because my uncle Max and I dressed up as 2 Jedi’s. We thought people would laugh at us, but my Uncle really didn’t care. The only bad part was my brother Tom wanted to dress up, but we didn’t have enough costumes. My brother, Rob, and my Gram Kathleen wanted to come too, so they did. My parents didn’t come because they were in Las Vegas.
So, on Wednesday May 18th, we went to bed really early. After, we woke up, it was about 8:00 p.m. We ate for a little bit, then we went outside and it was pitch black. My Uncle and I put our costumes on and we were very excited. Then we grabbed our light sabres and started taking pictures, (see below), so that we can remember that night. My brother Tom also took pictures too. It was cool because the pictures looked so real. The only was Tom took pictures was, we switched costumes with each other. My Gram was very happy for us . Before we left my brother Rob said ” you look really stupid” . So we jumped in the car and we took off to see Star Wars. When we got to the movie theater, we were re-thinking our decision to dress up. We were getting shy, but my Uncle didn’t care, but I was the one that was shy. But we dressed up anyway and took off with our light sabres. When we got in the theater everyone started cheering, someone shook our hands, and I was really happy. Someone said ” You look really cool “. So when it hit 12 :00 on wednesday it was actually thursday, the movie started. When we sat down there was a girl dressed up as a jedi just like us. the movie started and it was awesome. During the movie everyone was waving their light sabres. I thought it was cool. After the movie, people were still cheering for everyone that dressed up. We got in the car and took off. When we got home, it was about 2:30 am. One cool part was that I didn’t have to go to school the next day.
That was one of the best days of my life. Now I know that I don’t care about what people say to me. I would dress up for the Lord of the Ring, before, but this day was much cooler because my Uncle dressed up with me. My Uncle was very happy for me, because he didn’t think I would dress up. Then after that day, Tom thought it would be fun to dress up, for another movie. I will never forget that night.
Tim oct 7, 2005 periord 4
Tags: Timmy
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