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June 16, 2004

Last days in Mexico / Nuestros últimos días en Mexico

Even though it is physically and technically possible to keep on going and only ever spending one night in any single place, this is not something I'd recommend to anyone if they don't have to. Travelling at such a rate for too long can cause it to become a bit of a blur and make it hard to really get a feel for any one place. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the "Not another temple" syndrome (or "Not another castle" syndrome if you're in Ireland) as things all start to look the same. Admittedly, we've started to feel some of this blur a little bit recently because we've been on a string of one and two nighters ever since Antigua, while getting back to Mexico City. There has been some cracking places and excellent moments on this leg of the journey, so I don't think we'd change the way we travelled if we had the choice again, but maybe for future plans it'll be better to change our tact slightly.

Leaving San Cristobal de las Casas to go to Palenque was a hard decision to make since we were so tight for time and had quite a long distance to travel to get to Mexico (and then on to Leon, where we would meet our friends). Yet we couldn't disregard the advice of our other friends, Merce and Noe (who are also travelling around Mexico), so we headed to the Palenque ruins. It turned out to be an excellent choice, as after a long day of travelling we got to the nearby Panchan campsite (also recommended by Merce) and it was superb! We were in the middle of the jungle in a magical place where we could hear the sound of the wilderness. We went to dinner at the restaurant there, and to our surprise there was a whole show on with Mexican music, bongos and fire dancing... Just amazing! To top it off, the day after we went to see the Mayan ruins which were certainly the most impressive that we've seen so far and also the cheapest.

The next big stop before leaving Mexico was in a city called Leon (4 or 5 hours northwest of Mexico city) where we caught up with some friends. Christina and Moi really gave us an excellent reception and we had a great weekend while they showed us around. When they took us to see a lovely university town near Leon called Guanajuato, we got the chance to go out clubbing which was something that we hadn't done much of since hitting the road.

Before flying out of Mexico city we took a quick bus tour around it which lasted for about three hours. This left us with the impression that the capital is closer to being like some cities in the US than it is to many of the Mexican cities and towns we'd seen in the Yucatan or Chiapas.

Time has really gone by fast for us in this part of the world. It's hard to believe that we landed in Cancun over a month ago!


Todo y que es posible dormir en un lugar un día y en otro diferente al día siguiente, no es algo que recomendamos hacer si se puede evitar. Viajar a este paso hace que nos cueste recordar donde vimos aquella estatua y en que lugar estaba aquel hotel que nos gustó tanto. Es ahora cuando más lo notamos ya que hemos dormido una o dos noches en cada lugar desde que salimos de Antigua para empezar el camino de regreso a Mexico(Aunque si tuviéramos quehacerlo de nuevo no cambiaríamos nada por que nos sentimos agradecidos de haber visto todo lo que hemos visto).

Irnos de San Cristóbal de las Casas para ir a Palenque fue una decisión un tanto difícil por que no nos quedaban muchos días en Mexico y queríamos ir a León para ver a unos amigos. Pero no podíamos ignorar el consejo de Merce y Noe (unas amigas de Barcelona que también están viajando por Mexico y que por circunstancias viajeras no hemos podido coincidir) y nos dirigimos a Palenque sin titubear. Y fue una decisión excelente!
Después de un largo día de viaje llegamos al camping Panchan (también recomendado por Merce) y nos encantó. En la cabaña en la que dormimos lo único que se podía oír era el sonido de la jungla!! Luego fuimos a cenar y para nuestra sorpresa nos encontramos con mariachis, bongos y gente bailando con fuego... increíble!!!!
Al día siguiente fuimos a las ruinas mayas de Palenque. Estas fueron las mejores que hemos visto hasta ahora y además las más baratas.

La próxima parada fue León (4/5 horas al noroeste de la ciudad de Mexcico) donde nos encontramos con nuestros amigos. Cristina y Moi nos recibieron con mucho cariño y nos mostraron la ciudad universitaria de Guanajato. Por la noche fuimos a bailar (cosa que hacía mucho que no hacíamos!). Nos lo pasamos genial con ellos durante nuestra estancia y nos trataron realmente bien!!!

Antes de salir de Mexico DF hicimos un tour de tres horas por la ciudad, que se preparaba para recibir la antorcha olímpica.

La impresión que nos quedó de esta ciudad es que se parece más a una ciudad estadounidense que a ninguna ciudad que vimos en la región de Yucatán o Chiapas (Mexico). Todo y que conserva algunos lugares que muestran las raíces españolas y aztecas.

El tiempo vuela por estos mundos y se nos hace difícil creer que hace un mes y poco llegamos a Cancun y que hemos visto tanto!



Moi, Chris, Kev and Nate.jpg


Posted by Nate on June 16, 2004 01:38 AM
Category: 02 Mexico + C. America

Looking good Kev and Nate!!
We'll be thinking of you at the wedding - well, I'll be thinking of more exotic climes anyway!! Enjoy the next leg of the trip, and I'll email you some pics of the newly married couple when I return in August...


Posted by: Dom on June 30, 2004 10:26 AM

Hola soy yo de nuevo papitomateu,no te enfades porque os pida que pongais fotos vale haced lo que podáis,ya se que soy muy exigente ,perdonadme .por cierto siguen siendo muy bonitas .besos

Posted by: JOSÉ ANTONIO MATEU on June 30, 2004 07:47 PM

Congratulations to you both Dom and Sinead!!! I take it you didn't get our email on time... we were thinking of you anyway and dying to be there. We've heard that the craic was mighty! Enjoy the honeymoon and talk to you soon.

Posted by: Nate and Kev on July 8, 2004 01:43 AM

Hola Nate:

I just got back home from Granada a week ago, and by chance, was chatting with Lone & Isi...I asked them about you...also chatted with Gerardo...It was sooo comforting to get so close to the people i got to know in Ireland...again...I was just reading your webpage..and watching your photos...You must be really tired from your short trips within Mexico (maybe you´re already in some other corner of the world)...but you must be enjoying it to the full...I guess that may be like having a new lease of life everyday, in every different place...I´m spending a good summer close to my family after 2 years abroad ever since the last time. I´ll just finish sorting out some things this year before i head to Geneva this autumn or at the begining of the year 2005. I´ll keep you informed & send you some pics to keep in touch.
A big Spanish hug.
Loads of love.

Posted by: Raquel on July 9, 2004 05:46 PM
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